

Title : Mechanisms of chronic nicotine treatment-induced enhancement of the sensitivity of cortical neurons to the neuroprotective effect of donepezil in cortical neurons - Takada-Takatori_2010_J.Pharmacol.Sci_112_265
Author(s) : Takada-Takatori Y , Kume T , Izumi Y , Niidome T , Fujii T , Sugimoto H , Akaike A
Ref : J Pharmacol Sci , 112 :265 , 2010
Abstract :

We have previously shown that chronic donepezil treatment induces nicotinic acetylcholine receptor up-regulation and enhances the sensitivity of the neurons to the neuroprotective effect of donepezil. Further analyses revealed that the nicotinic receptor is involved in this enhancement. In this study, we examined whether nicotinic receptor stimulation is sufficient to make neurons more sensitive to donepezil. We treated primary cultures of rat cortical neurons with nicotine and confirmed that chronic nicotine treatment induced nicotinic receptor up-regulation and made the neurons more sensitive to the neuroprotective effects of donepezil. Analyses with receptor antagonists and kinase inhibitors revealed that the effects of chronic nicotine treatment are mediated by nicotinic receptors and their downstream effectors including phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase. In contrast to chronic donepezil treatment that enhanced the level of nicotine-induced Ca(2+) influx, chronic nicotine treatment did not significantly alter the level of Ca(2+) influx.

PubMedSearch : Takada-Takatori_2010_J.Pharmacol.Sci_112_265
PubMedID: 20173312

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Takada-Takatori Y, Kume T, Izumi Y, Niidome T, Fujii T, Sugimoto H, Akaike A (2010)
Mechanisms of chronic nicotine treatment-induced enhancement of the sensitivity of cortical neurons to the neuroprotective effect of donepezil in cortical neurons
J Pharmacol Sci 112 :265

Takada-Takatori Y, Kume T, Izumi Y, Niidome T, Fujii T, Sugimoto H, Akaike A (2010)
J Pharmacol Sci 112 :265