

Title : Microtiter plate-based chemistry and in situ screening: SuFEx-enabled lead discovery of selective AChE inhibitors - Tang_2023_J.Enzyme.Inhib.Med.Chem_38_2237213
Author(s) : Tang K , Li HH , Wu C , Zhang SL , Yang JG , Tang W , Qin HL
Ref : J Enzyme Inhib Med Chem , 38 :2237213 , 2023
Abstract :

Sulphur fluoride exchange (SuFEx) is a category of click chemistry that enables covalent linking of modular units through sulphur connective hubs. Here, we reported an efficient synthesis and in situ screening method for building a library of sulphonamides on the picomolar scale by SuFEx reaction between a sulphonyl fluoride (RSO(2)F) core and primary or secondary amines. This biocompatible SuFEx reaction would allow us to rapidly synthesise sulphonamide molecules, and evaluate their ChE inhibitory activity. Compound T14-A24 was identified as a reversible, competitive, and selective AChE inhibitor (K(i) = 22 nM). The drug-like evaluation showed that T14-A24 had benign BBB penetration, remarkable neuroprotective effect, and safe toxicological profile. In vivo behavioural study showed that T14-A24 treatment improved the Abeta(1 - 42)-induced cognitive impairment, significantly prevented the effects of Abeta(1 - 42) toxicity. Therefore, this SuFEx click reaction can accelerate the discovery of lead compounds.

PubMedSearch : Tang_2023_J.Enzyme.Inhib.Med.Chem_38_2237213
PubMedID: 37501629

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Citations formats

Tang K, Li HH, Wu C, Zhang SL, Yang JG, Tang W, Qin HL (2023)
Microtiter plate-based chemistry and in situ screening: SuFEx-enabled lead discovery of selective AChE inhibitors
J Enzyme Inhib Med Chem 38 :2237213

Tang K, Li HH, Wu C, Zhang SL, Yang JG, Tang W, Qin HL (2023)
J Enzyme Inhib Med Chem 38 :2237213