

Title : Transcript abundance of hepatic drug-metabolizing enzymes in two dog breeds compared with 14 species including humans - Uno_2024_Drug.Metab.Pharmacokinet_55_101002
Author(s) : Uno Y , Yamato O , Yamazaki H
Ref : Drug Metab Pharmacokinet , 55 :101002 , 2024
Abstract :

Drug-metabolizing enzymes are important in drug development and therapy, but have not been fully identified and characterized in many species, lines, and breeds. Liver transcriptomic data were analyzed for phase I cytochromes P450, flavin-containing monooxygenases, and carboxylesterases and phase II UDP-glucuronosyltransferases, sulfotransferases, and glutathione S-transferases. Comparisons with a variety of species (humans, rhesus macaques, African green monkeys, baboons, common marmosets, cattle, sheep, pigs, cats, dogs, rabbits, tree shrews, rats, mice, and chickens) revealed both general similarities and differences in the transcript abundances of drug-metabolizing enzymes. Similarly, Beagle and Shiba dogs were examined by next-generation sequencing (RNA-seq). Consequently, no substantial differences in transcript abundance were noted in different breeds of pigs and dogs and in different lines of mice and rats. Therefore, the expression profiles of hepatic drug-metabolizing enzyme transcripts appear to be similar in Shiba and Beagle dogs and pig breeds and the rat and mouse lines analyzed, although some differences were found in other species.

PubMedSearch : Uno_2024_Drug.Metab.Pharmacokinet_55_101002
PubMedID: 38452615

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Citations formats

Uno Y, Yamato O, Yamazaki H (2024)
Transcript abundance of hepatic drug-metabolizing enzymes in two dog breeds compared with 14 species including humans
Drug Metab Pharmacokinet 55 :101002

Uno Y, Yamato O, Yamazaki H (2024)
Drug Metab Pharmacokinet 55 :101002