

Title : Reduced pancreatic volume in hepatocyte nuclear factor 1A-maturity-onset diabetes of the young - Vesterhus_2008_J.Clin.Endocrinol.Metab_93_3505
Author(s) : Vesterhus M , Haldorsen IS , Raeder H , Molven A , Njolstad PR
Ref : J Clinical Endocrinology Metab , 93 :3505 , 2008
Abstract :

CONTEXT: There are interplays between the endocrine and exocrine pancreas. We recently reported an increased frequency of exocrine dysfunction in HNF1A-maturity-onset diabetes of the young (MODY3) patients, compared with controls. Reduced pancreatic volume is seen in HNF1B-MODY (MODY5) and diabetes types 1 and 2. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to investigate whether HNF1A mutation carriers have reduced pancreatic volume or abnormal pancreatic structure and whether any changes are associated with exocrine dysfunction.
METHODS: Fifteen HNF1A mutation carriers recruited from the Norwegian MODY Registry, 31 subjects with type 1 diabetes, 10 subjects with type 2 diabetes, and 11 controls underwent computed tomography of the pancreas. We measured pancreatic volume and X-ray attenuation. Pancreatic volume index was defined as pancreatic volume divided by body surface area.
RESULTS: Pancreatic volume index was reduced in subjects with HNF1A-MODY (34.5 ml/m2; P < 0.02) and type 1 diabetes (21.4 ml/m2; P < 0.001) as compared with nondiabetic controls (45.7 ml/m2), and was reduced in subjects with diabetes in combination with fecal elastase deficiency (P = 0.03). Subjects with type 1 diabetes had smaller pancreatic volume index, compared with HNF1A mutation carriers (P < 0.001). Reduced pancreatic volume index was associated with increasing duration of diabetes. Pancreatic X-ray attenuation in HNF1A mutation carriers was not significantly different from that of nondiabetic controls.
CONCLUSIONS: HNF1A mutation carriers have reduced pancreatic volume but less reduced than in patients with type 1 diabetes. Insulinopenia could explain both the pancreatic volume reduction and the associated pancreatic dysfunction.

PubMedSearch : Vesterhus_2008_J.Clin.Endocrinol.Metab_93_3505
PubMedID: 18593771

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Vesterhus M, Haldorsen IS, Raeder H, Molven A, Njolstad PR (2008)
Reduced pancreatic volume in hepatocyte nuclear factor 1A-maturity-onset diabetes of the young
J Clinical Endocrinology Metab 93 :3505

Vesterhus M, Haldorsen IS, Raeder H, Molven A, Njolstad PR (2008)
J Clinical Endocrinology Metab 93 :3505