

Title : Characterization of muscarinic receptors in human pancreatic membranes - Waelbroeck_1988_Pancreas_3_627
Author(s) : Waelbroeck M , Camus J , Tastenoy M , de Neef P , Scemama JL , Fourmy D , Vaysse N , Pradayrol L , Robberecht P , Christophe J
Ref : Pancreas , 3 :627 , 1988
Abstract :

Crude membranes (27,000 x g pellets) from three normal human pancreata were prepared. Muscarinic receptors were investigated by the ability of three antagonists (atropine, pirenzepine, and AF-DX 116) and three agonists (carbamylcholine, oxotremorine, and pilocarpine) to inhibit [3H]NMS binding. These receptors showed for pirenzepine and AF-DX 116 a M2 beta specificity, typical of secretory glands and smooth muscle, that was comparable to that of rat pancreatic membranes, i.e., a low affinity for the two antagonists (Ki of 0.4 and 0.2 microM, respectively). In addition, these receptors were predominantly in a low affinity state for the agonist carbamylcholine (Ki of 100 microM).

PubMedSearch : Waelbroeck_1988_Pancreas_3_627
PubMedID: 3222245

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Waelbroeck M, Camus J, Tastenoy M, de Neef P, Scemama JL, Fourmy D, Vaysse N, Pradayrol L, Robberecht P, Christophe J (1988)
Characterization of muscarinic receptors in human pancreatic membranes
Pancreas 3 :627

Waelbroeck M, Camus J, Tastenoy M, de Neef P, Scemama JL, Fourmy D, Vaysse N, Pradayrol L, Robberecht P, Christophe J (1988)
Pancreas 3 :627