

Title : The role of long chain fatty acids and their epoxide metabolites in nociceptive signaling - Wagner_2014_Prostaglandins.Other.Lipid.Mediat_113-115_2
Author(s) : Wagner K , Vito S , Inceoglu B , Hammock BD
Ref : Prostaglandins Other Lipid Mediat , 113-115 :2 , 2014
Abstract :

Lipid derived mediators contribute to inflammation and the sensing of pain. The contributions of omega-6 derived prostanoids in enhancing inflammation and pain sensation are well known. Less well explored are the opposing anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects of the omega-6 derived epoxyeicosatrienoic acids. Far less has been described about the epoxidized metabolites derived from omega-3 long chain fatty acids. The epoxide metabolites are turned over rapidly with enzymatic hydrolysis by the soluble epoxide hydrolase being the major elimination pathway. Despite this, the overall understanding of the role of lipid mediators in the pathology of chronic pain is growing. Here, we review the role of long chain fatty acids and their metabolites in alleviating both acute and chronic pain conditions. We focus specifically on the epoxidized metabolites of omega-6 and omega-3 long chain fatty acids as well as a novel strategy to modulate their activity in vivo.

PubMedSearch : Wagner_2014_Prostaglandins.Other.Lipid.Mediat_113-115_2
PubMedID: 25240260

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Wagner K, Vito S, Inceoglu B, Hammock BD (2014)
The role of long chain fatty acids and their epoxide metabolites in nociceptive signaling
Prostaglandins Other Lipid Mediat 113-115 :2

Wagner K, Vito S, Inceoglu B, Hammock BD (2014)
Prostaglandins Other Lipid Mediat 113-115 :2