

Title : The neuron-specific protein PGP 9.5 is a ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase - Wilkinson_1989_Science_246_670
Author(s) : Wilkinson KD , Lee KM , Deshpande S , Duerksen-Hughes P , Boss JM , Pohl J
Ref : Science , 246 :670 , 1989
Abstract :

A complementary DNA (cDNA) for ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase isozyme L3 was cloned from human B cells. The cDNA encodes a protein of 230 amino acids with a molecular mass of 26.182 daltons. The human protein is very similar to the bovine homolog, with only three amino acids differing in over 100 residues compared. The amino acid sequence deduced from the cDNA was 54% identical to that of the neuron-specific protein PGP 9.5. Purification of bovine PGP 9.5 confirmed that it is also a ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase. These results suggest that a family of such related proteins exists and that their expression is tissue-specific.

PubMedSearch : Wilkinson_1989_Science_246_670
PubMedID: 2530630

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Wilkinson KD, Lee KM, Deshpande S, Duerksen-Hughes P, Boss JM, Pohl J (1989)
The neuron-specific protein PGP 9.5 is a ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase
Science 246 :670

Wilkinson KD, Lee KM, Deshpande S, Duerksen-Hughes P, Boss JM, Pohl J (1989)
Science 246 :670