

Title : The liberation of thiocholine from acetylthiocholine (ASCh) by pralidoxime iodide (2=PAM) and other oximes (obidoxime and diacetylmonoxime) -
Author(s) : Worek F , Eyer P
Ref : Toxicol Lett , 167 :256 , 2006
PubMedID: 17113251

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Worek F, Eyer P (2006)
The liberation of thiocholine from acetylthiocholine (ASCh) by pralidoxime iodide (2=PAM) and other oximes (obidoxime and diacetylmonoxime)
Toxicol Lett 167 :256

Worek F, Eyer P (2006)
Toxicol Lett 167 :256