Title : Bysspectin A, an unusual octaketide dimer and the precursor derivatives from the endophytic fungus Byssochlamys spectabilis IMM0002 and their biological activities - Wu_2018_Eur.J.Med.Chem_145_717 |
Author(s) : Wu YZ , Zhang HW , Sun ZH , Dai JG , Hu YC , Li R , Lin PC , Xia GY , Wang LY , Qiu BL , Zhang JF , Ge GB , Lin S |
Ref : Eur Journal of Medicinal Chemistry , 145 :717 , 2018 |
Abstract :
Bysspectin A (1), a polyketide-derived octaketide dimer with a novel carbon skeleton, and two new precursor derivatives, bysspectins B and C (2 and 3), were obtained from an organic extract of the endophytic fungus Byssochlamys spectabilis that had been isolated from a leaf tissue of the traditional Chinese medicinal plant Edgeworthia chrysantha, together with a known octaketide, paecilocin A (4). Their structures were determined by HRMS, 1D and 2D NMR spectroscopic analysis. A plausible route for their biosynthetic pathway is proposed. Compounds 1-3 were tested for their antimicrobial activities. Only compound 3 was weakly active against Escherichia coli and Staphyloccocus aureus with MIC values of 32 and 64mug/mL, respectively. Further, the inhibitory effects on human carboxylesterases (hCE1, hCE2) of compounds 1 and 4 were evaluated. The results demonstrated that bysspectin A (1) was a novel and highly selective inhibitor against hCE2 with the IC50 value of 2.01muM. Docking simulation also demonstrated that active compound 1 created interaction with the Ser-288 (the catalytic amino-acid in the catalytic cavity) of hCE2 via hydrogen bonding, revealing its highly selective inhibition toward hCE2. |
PubMedSearch : Wu_2018_Eur.J.Med.Chem_145_717 |
PubMedID: 29353723 |
Inhibitor | BysspectinA-cpd20wderivative |
Wu YZ, Zhang HW, Sun ZH, Dai JG, Hu YC, Li R, Lin PC, Xia GY, Wang LY, Qiu BL, Zhang JF, Ge GB, Lin S (2018)
Bysspectin A, an unusual octaketide dimer and the precursor derivatives from the endophytic fungus Byssochlamys spectabilis IMM0002 and their biological activities
Eur Journal of Medicinal Chemistry
145 :717
Wu YZ, Zhang HW, Sun ZH, Dai JG, Hu YC, Li R, Lin PC, Xia GY, Wang LY, Qiu BL, Zhang JF, Ge GB, Lin S (2018)
Eur Journal of Medicinal Chemistry
145 :717