

Title : Rhodopseudomonas palustris wastewater treatment: Cyhalofop-butyl removal, biochemicals production and mathematical model establishment - Wu_2019_Bioresour.Technol_282_390
Author(s) : Wu P , Chen Z , Zhang Y , Wang Y , Zhu F , Cao B , Wu Y , Li N
Ref : Bioresour Technol , 282 :390 , 2019
Abstract :

Simultaneous (SPW and cyhalofop-butyl) wastewater treatment and the production of biochemicals by Rhodopseudomonas palustris (R. palustris) was investigated with supplementation of soybean processing wastewater (SPW). Compared to control group, cyhalofop-butyl was removed and single cell protein, carotenoid, bacteriochlorophyll productions were enhanced with the supplementation of SPW. Cyhalofop-butyl removal reached 100% after 5days under 4000mg/L COD group. Cyhalofop-butyl induced chbH gene expression to synthesize cyhalofop-butyl-hydrolyzing carboxylesterase through activating MAPKKKs, MAPKKs, MAPKs genes in MAPK signal transduction pathway. The induction process took one day for R. palustris. However, lack of organics in original wastewater did not maintain R. palustris growth for over one day. The supplementation of SPW provided sufficient carbon source. This new method resulted in the mixed wastewater treatment and improvement of biochemicals simultaneously, as well as the realization of reutilization of R. palustris. High-order non-linear mathematical model of the relationship between Rchb, Xc, and Xt was established.

PubMedSearch : Wu_2019_Bioresour.Technol_282_390
PubMedID: 30884459

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Wu P, Chen Z, Zhang Y, Wang Y, Zhu F, Cao B, Wu Y, Li N (2019)
Rhodopseudomonas palustris wastewater treatment: Cyhalofop-butyl removal, biochemicals production and mathematical model establishment
Bioresour Technol 282 :390

Wu P, Chen Z, Zhang Y, Wang Y, Zhu F, Cao B, Wu Y, Li N (2019)
Bioresour Technol 282 :390