Title : Toxic effects of isofenphos-methyl on zebrafish embryonic development - Wu_2023_Ecotoxicol.Environ.Saf_254_114723 |
Author(s) : Wu Y , Wang J , Xia Y , Tang K , Xu J , Wang A , Hu S , Wen L , Wang B , Yao W |
Ref : Ecotoxicology & Environmental Safety , 254 :114723 , 2023 |
Abstract :
Isofenphos-methyl (IFP) is widely used as an organophosphorus for controlling underground insects and nematodes. However, excessive use of IFP may pose potential risks to the environment and humans, but little information is available on its sublethal toxicity to aquatic organisms. To address this knowledge gap, the current study exposed zebrafish embryos to 2, 4, and 8 mg/L IFP within 6-96 h past fertilization (hpf) and measured mortality, hatching, developmental abnormalities, oxidative stress, gene expressions, and locomotor activity. The results showed that IFP exposure reduced the rates of heart and survival rate, hatchability, and body length of embryos and induced uninflated swim bladder and developmental malformations. Reduction in locomotive behavior and inhibition of AChE activity indicated that IFP exposure may induce behavioral defects and neurotoxicity in zebrafish larvae. IFP exposure also led to pericardial edema, longer venous sinus-arterial bulb (SV-BA) distance, and apoptosis of the heart cells. Moreover, IFP exposure increased the accumulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and the content of malonaldehyde (MDA), also elevated the levels of antioxidant enzymes of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT), but decreased glutathione (GSH) levels in zebrafish embryos. The relative expressions of heart development-related genes (nkx2.5, nppa, gata4, and tbx2b), apoptosis-related genes (bcl2, p53, bax, and puma), and swim bladder development-related genes (foxA3, anxa5b, mnx1, and has2) were significantly altered by IFP exposure. Collectively, our results indicated that IFP induced developmental toxicity and neurotoxicity to zebrafish embryos and the mechanisms may be relevant to the activation of oxidative stress and reduction of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) content. |
PubMedSearch : Wu_2023_Ecotoxicol.Environ.Saf_254_114723 |
PubMedID: 36871354 |
Inhibitor | Isofenphos-methyl |
Wu Y, Wang J, Xia Y, Tang K, Xu J, Wang A, Hu S, Wen L, Wang B, Yao W (2023)
Toxic effects of isofenphos-methyl on zebrafish embryonic development
Ecotoxicology & Environmental Safety
254 :114723
Wu Y, Wang J, Xia Y, Tang K, Xu J, Wang A, Hu S, Wen L, Wang B, Yao W (2023)
Ecotoxicology & Environmental Safety
254 :114723