

Title : Toxicological effects of trace amounts of pyriproxyfen on the midgut of non-target insect silkworm - Xu_2022_Pestic.Biochem.Physiol_188_105266
Author(s) : Xu K , Lan H , He C , Wei Y , Lu Q , Cai K , Yu D , Yin X , Li Y , Lv J
Ref : Pestic Biochem Physiol , 188 :105266 , 2022
Abstract :

Pyriproxyfen is an insect growth regulator that is widely used in public health and pest control in agriculture. Our previous studies have shown that trace amounts of pyriproxyfen in the environment can cause serious toxic effects in the non-target insect silkworm, including failing to pupate, metamorphose and spin cocoons. However, it is unknown why pyriproxyfen not only has no lethal effects on fifth instar larvae but also tend to increase their body weight. The midgut is the main digestive organs of the silkworm, our results showed that the residual of pyriproxyfen in the silkworm at 24sh after 1sxs10(-4)smg/L pyriproxyfen treatment caused severe damage to the midgut microvilli, goblet cells, and nuclei of the silkworm, but body weight and digestibility of the larval were both increased. In addition, pyriproxyfen significantly (ps

PubMedSearch : Xu_2022_Pestic.Biochem.Physiol_188_105266
PubMedID: 36464371

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Xu K, Lan H, He C, Wei Y, Lu Q, Cai K, Yu D, Yin X, Li Y, Lv J (2022)
Toxicological effects of trace amounts of pyriproxyfen on the midgut of non-target insect silkworm
Pestic Biochem Physiol 188 :105266

Xu K, Lan H, He C, Wei Y, Lu Q, Cai K, Yu D, Yin X, Li Y, Lv J (2022)
Pestic Biochem Physiol 188 :105266