

Title : Sequence homologies among the three yolk polypeptide (Yp) genes in Drosophila melanogaster - Yan_1987_Nucleic.Acids.Res_15_67
Author(s) : Yan YL , Kunert CJ , Postlethwait JH
Ref : Nucleic Acids Research , 15 (1) :67 , 1987
Abstract :

To identify candidates for cis-acting sequences that regulate the sex-, stage-, and cell-specific expression of three coordinately regulated yolk polypeptide genes (Yp) in Drosophila melanogaster, we have mapped the Yp3 transcript, sequenced a 4278 bp DNA fragment containing the Yp3 gene, compared Yp3 region sequences to corresponding parts of Yp1 and Yp2, and compared the predicted amino acid sequence of YP3 to YP1 and YP2. The results showed that the Yps are largely homologous in translated regions, especially in the 3' half of the genes. Untranscribed flanking regions had little homology. A conserved inverted repeat (the H-box) has homology both to vertebrate steroid hormone receptor binding sites and to the ecdysone control region of Drosophila's hsp23. These results identify sequences to mutate in order to define elements that regulate Yp gene expression and govern YP polypeptide function.

PubMedSearch : Yan_1987_Nucleic.Acids.Res_15_67
PubMedID: 3029679
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Citations formats

Yan YL, Kunert CJ, Postlethwait JH (1987)
Sequence homologies among the three yolk polypeptide (Yp) genes in Drosophila melanogaster
Nucleic Acids Research 15 (1) :67

Yan YL, Kunert CJ, Postlethwait JH (1987)
Nucleic Acids Research 15 (1) :67