

Title : Molecular dynamics of detoxification and toxin-tolerance genes in brown planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens Stal., Homoptera: Delphacidae) feeding on resistant rice plants - Yang_2005_Arch.Insect.Biochem.Physiol_59_59
Author(s) : Yang Z , Zhang F , He Q , He G
Ref : Archives of Insect Biochemistry & Physiology , 59 :59 , 2005
Abstract :

To investigate the molecular response of brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (BPH) to BPH-resistant rice plants, we isolated cDNA fragments of the genes encoding for carboxylesterase (CAR), trypsin (TRY), cytochrome P450 monooxygenase (P450), NADH-quinone oxidoreductase (NQO), acetylcholinesterase (ACE), and Glutathione S-transferase (GST). Expression profiles of the genes were monitored on fourth instar nymphs feeding on rice varieties with different resistance levels. Northern blot hybridization showed that, compared with BPH reared on susceptible rice TN1, expression of the genes for P450 and CAR was apparently up-regulated and TRY mRNA decreased in BPH feeding on a highly resistant rice line B5 and a moderately resistant rice variety MH63, respectively. Two transcripts of GST increased in BPH feeding on B5; but in BPH feeding on MH63, this gene was inducible and its expression reached a maximum level at 24 h, and then decreased slightly. The expression of NQO gene was enhanced in BPH on B5 plants but showed a constant expression in BPH on MH63 plants. No difference in ACE gene expression among BPH on different rice plants was detected by the RT-PCR method. The results suggest these genes may play important roles in the defense response of BPH to resistant rice.

PubMedSearch : Yang_2005_Arch.Insect.Biochem.Physiol_59_59
PubMedID: 15898115

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Yang Z, Zhang F, He Q, He G (2005)
Molecular dynamics of detoxification and toxin-tolerance genes in brown planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens Stal., Homoptera: Delphacidae) feeding on resistant rice plants
Archives of Insect Biochemistry & Physiology 59 :59

Yang Z, Zhang F, He Q, He G (2005)
Archives of Insect Biochemistry & Physiology 59 :59