

Title : GPIHBP1 and Lipoprotein Lipase, Partners in Plasma Triglyceride Metabolism - Young_2019_Cell.Metab_30_51
Author(s) : Young SG , Fong LG , Beigneux AP , Allan CM , He C , Jiang H , Nakajima K , Meiyappan M , Birrane G , Ploug M
Ref : Cell Metab , 30 :51 , 2019
Abstract :

Lipoprotein lipase (LPL), identified in the 1950s, has been studied intensively by biochemists, physiologists, and clinical investigators. These efforts uncovered a central role for LPL in plasma triglyceride metabolism and identified LPL mutations as a cause of hypertriglyceridemia. By the 1990s, with an outline for plasma triglyceride metabolism established, interest in triglyceride metabolism waned. In recent years, however, interest in plasma triglyceride metabolism has awakened, in part because of the discovery of new molecules governing triglyceride metabolism. One such protein-and the focus of this review-is GPIHBP1, a protein of capillary endothelial cells. GPIHBP1 is LPL's essential partner: it binds LPL and transports it to the capillary lumen; it is essential for lipoprotein margination along capillaries, allowing lipolysis to proceed; and it preserves LPL's structure and activity. Recently, GPIHBP1 was the key to solving the structure of LPL. These developments have transformed the models for intravascular triglyceride metabolism.

PubMedSearch : Young_2019_Cell.Metab_30_51
PubMedID: 31269429
Gene_locus related to this paper: human-LPL

Related information

Gene_locus human-LPL
Family human-LPL    Lipoprotein_Lipase

Citations formats

Young SG, Fong LG, Beigneux AP, Allan CM, He C, Jiang H, Nakajima K, Meiyappan M, Birrane G, Ploug M (2019)
GPIHBP1 and Lipoprotein Lipase, Partners in Plasma Triglyceride Metabolism
Cell Metab 30 :51

Young SG, Fong LG, Beigneux AP, Allan CM, He C, Jiang H, Nakajima K, Meiyappan M, Birrane G, Ploug M (2019)
Cell Metab 30 :51