

Title : Smartphone-based colorimetric sensor array using gold nanoparticles for rapid distinguishment of multiple pesticides in real samples - Zhao_2023_Food.Chem_404_134768
Author(s) : Zhao T , Liang X , Guo X , Yang X , Guo J , Zhou X , Huang X , Zhang W , Wang Y , Liu Z , Jiang Z , Zhou H
Ref : Food Chem , 404 :134768 , 2023
Abstract :

A simple, sensitive method for pesticide distinguishment based on a colorimetric sensor array using diverse gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) at room temperature is presented in this study. Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) hydrolysis ability was influenced by different pesticides and produced different concentrations of thiocholine by hydrolyzing acetylthiocholine iodide (ATCh). Thiocholine could be easily linked to the AuNPs through an Aus-sS covalent bond, and AuNPs underwent aggregation, resulting in a visible color change due to alteration of surface plasmon resonance properties. Based on these results, we successfully distinguished eight pesticides (glyphosate, thiram, imidacloprid, tribenuron methyl, nicosulfuron, thifensulfuron methyl, dichlorprop, and fenoprop) utilizing five different AuNPs by colorimetric assay. The limit of detection (LOD) of this visual method for all pesticides was less than 1.5x 10(-7) M, which was more sensitive than the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency regulations specify (1.18s-s3.91x10(-6) M). This method was further improved by combining a portable smartphone device with a color picking application using (color name AR) and RGB (red, green, blue) values. The method was successfully applied to pesticide residue distinguishment in real samples by linear discriminant analysis (LDA).

PubMedSearch : Zhao_2023_Food.Chem_404_134768
PubMedID: 36444090

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Zhao T, Liang X, Guo X, Yang X, Guo J, Zhou X, Huang X, Zhang W, Wang Y, Liu Z, Jiang Z, Zhou H (2023)
Smartphone-based colorimetric sensor array using gold nanoparticles for rapid distinguishment of multiple pesticides in real samples
Food Chem 404 :134768

Zhao T, Liang X, Guo X, Yang X, Guo J, Zhou X, Huang X, Zhang W, Wang Y, Liu Z, Jiang Z, Zhou H (2023)
Food Chem 404 :134768