Ben-Jacob E

References (3)

Title : The role of the neuro-astro-vascular unit in the etiology of ataxia telangiectasia - Meshulam_2012_Front.Pharmacol_3_157
Author(s) : Meshulam L , Galron R , Kanner S , De Pitta M , Bonifazi P , Goldin M , Frenkel D , Ben-Jacob E , Barzilai A
Ref : Front Pharmacol , 3 :157 , 2012
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PubMedSearch : Meshulam_2012_Front.Pharmacol_3_157
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Title : Genome sequence of the pattern-forming social bacterium Paenibacillus dendritiformis C454 chiral morphotype - Sirota-Madi_2012_J.Bacteriol_194_2127
Author(s) : Sirota-Madi A , Olender T , Helman Y , Brainis I , Finkelshtein A , Roth D , Hagai E , Leshkowitz D , Brodsky L , Galatenko V , Nikolaev V , Gutnick DL , Lancet D , Ben-Jacob E
Ref : Journal of Bacteriology , 194 :2127 , 2012
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PubMedSearch : Sirota-Madi_2012_J.Bacteriol_194_2127
PubMedID: 22461558
Gene_locus related to this paper: 9bacl-h3sdn5 , 9bacl-h3sft0 , 9bacl-h3sg17 , 9bacl-h3smu8

Title : Genome sequence of the pattern forming Paenibacillus vortex bacterium reveals potential for thriving in complex environments - Sirota-Madi_2010_BMC.Genomics_11_710
Author(s) : Sirota-Madi A , Olender T , Helman Y , Ingham C , Brainis I , Roth D , Hagi E , Brodsky L , Leshkowitz D , Galatenko V , Nikolaev V , Mugasimangalam RC , Bransburg-Zabary S , Gutnick DL , Lancet D , Ben-Jacob E
Ref : BMC Genomics , 11 :710 , 2010
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Sirota-Madi_2010_BMC.Genomics_11_710
PubMedID: 21167037
Gene_locus related to this paper: 9bacl-e5yrc1 , 9bacl-e5yu37