Title : Dipeptidyl-peptidase-4 (DPP-4) inhibitor ameliorates 5-flurouracil induced intestinal mucositis - Lee_2019_BMC.Cancer_19_1016 |
Author(s) : Lee JM , Yoo IK , Kim SH , Choi HS , Kim ES , Keum B , Seo YS , Jeen YT , Chun HJ , Lee HS , Um SH , Kim CD |
Ref : BMC Cancer , 19 :1016 , 2019 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Lee_2019_BMC.Cancer_19_1016 |
PubMedID: 31664952 |
Title : Analysis of 4,664 high-quality sequence-finished poplar full-length cDNA clones and their utility for the discovery of genes responding to insect feeding - Ralph_2008_BMC.Genomics_9_57 |
Author(s) : Ralph SG , Chun HJ , Cooper D , Kirkpatrick R , Kolosova N , Gunter L , Tuskan GA , Douglas CJ , Holt RA , Jones SJ , Marra MA , Bohlmann J |
Ref : BMC Genomics , 9 :57 , 2008 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Ralph_2008_BMC.Genomics_9_57 |
PubMedID: 18230180 |
Gene_locus related to this paper: poptr-a9pbm5 , poptr-a9pfp5 , poptr-a9pgl0 , poptr-a9ph43 , poptr-a9ph71 , poptr-a9pha7 , poptr-b9gnp9 , poptr-b9gyq1 , poptr-b9hxr7 , poptr-b9i9p8 , poptr-a9pfa7 , poptr-a9pch4 , poptr-a9pfg4 |
Title : A conifer genomics resource of 200,000 spruce (Picea spp.) ESTs and 6,464 high-quality, sequence-finished full-length cDNAs for Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis) - Ralph_2008_BMC.Genomics_9_484 |
Author(s) : Ralph SG , Chun HJ , Kolosova N , Cooper D , Oddy C , Ritland CE , Kirkpatrick R , Moore R , Barber S , Holt RA , Jones SJ , Marra MA , Douglas CJ , Ritland K , Bohlmann J |
Ref : BMC Genomics , 9 :484 , 2008 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Ralph_2008_BMC.Genomics_9_484 |
PubMedID: 18854048 |
Gene_locus related to this paper: picgl-emb8 , picsi-a9nkq4 , picsi-a9nkw1 , picsi-a9nln3 , picsi-a9nlt8 , picsi-a9nng6 , picsi-a9np75 , picsi-a9np95 , picsi-a9nqw9 , picsi-a9nsc2 , picsi-a9nsf2 , picsi-a9nux2 , picsi-a9nvj5 , picsi-a9nvl0 , picsi-a9nwa5 , picsi-a9nws5 , picsi-a9nwz2 , picsi-a9nyx6 , picsi-a9nzz3 , picsi-a9p0a1 , picsi-a9p0c3 , picsi-a9p1m0 , picsi-a9p066 , picsi-a9p157 , picsi-a9nu19 |