Croston GE

References (1)

Title : Randomized, double-blind, phase 1a single-ascending dose and food effect studies assessing safety and pharmacokinetics of EC5026 in healthy volunteers - Schmidt_2024_Clin.Transl.Sci_17_e70033
Author(s) : Schmidt WK , Cortes-Puch I , McReynolds CB , Croston GE , Hwang SH , Yang J , Pedersen TL , Wagner KM , Pham TT , Hunt T , Hammock BD
Ref : Clin Transl Sci , 17 :e70033 , 2024
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Schmidt_2024_Clin.Transl.Sci_17_e70033
PubMedID: 39300734