Das KK

References (3)

Title : Bioactivity of Microbacterium barkeri (LMA4) In Vitro and Candidate Gene Annotation In Silico - Das_2023_Appl.Biochem.Biotechnol__
Author(s) : Das KK , Pattnaik S
Ref : Appl Biochem Biotechnol , : , 2023
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PubMedID: 37166647

Title : Genetic Analysis of Neuroligin 4Y Gene in Autism Population of India - Hegde_2022_Glob.Med.Genet_9_18
Author(s) : Hegde R , Hegde S , Kulkarni SS , Pandurangi A , Gai PB , Das KK
Ref : Glob Med Genet , 9 :18 , 2022
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Title : Genetic analysis of the postsynaptic transmembrane X-linked neuroligin 3 gene in autism - Hegde_2021_Genomics.Inform_19_e44
Author(s) : Hegde R , Hegde S , Kulkarni SS , Pandurangi A , Gai PB , Das KK
Ref : Genomics Inform , 19 :e44 , 2021
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PubMedID: 35012288
Gene_locus related to this paper: human-NLGN3