Dessaux Y

References (2)

Title : Heavy-metal resistance of a France vineyard soil bacterium, Pseudomonas mendocina strain S5.2, revealed by whole-genome sequencing - Chong_2012_J.Bacteriol_194_6366
Author(s) : Chong TM , Yin WF , Mondy S , Grandclement C , Dessaux Y , Chan KG
Ref : Journal of Bacteriology , 194 :6366 , 2012
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Chong_2012_J.Bacteriol_194_6366
PubMedID: 23105092
Gene_locus related to this paper: psemn-f4dyl0 , pseme-a0a081x852

Title : Azospirillum genomes reveal transition of bacteria from aquatic to terrestrial environments - Wisniewski-Dye_2011_PLoS.Genet_7_e1002430
Author(s) : Wisniewski-Dye F , Borziak K , Khalsa-Moyers G , Alexandre G , Sukharnikov LO , Wuichet K , Hurst GB , McDonald WH , Robertson JS , Barbe V , Calteau A , Rouy Z , Mangenot S , Prigent-Combaret C , Normand P , Boyer M , Siguier P , Dessaux Y , Elmerich C , Condemine G , Krishnen G , Kennedy I , Paterson AH , Gonzalez V , Mavingui P , Zhulin IB
Ref : PLoS Genet , 7 :e1002430 , 2011
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Wisniewski-Dye_2011_PLoS.Genet_7_e1002430
PubMedID: 22216014
Gene_locus related to this paper: azobr-g8al65 , azol4-g7zc95 , azol4-g7zc98 , azol4-g7zfp9 , azol4-g7zcr5 , azobr-g8b0i6