Erel O


Full name : Erel Ozcan

First name : Ozcan

Mail : Biochemistry Department, Ataturk Training and Research Hospital, Yildirim Beyazit University, Ankara

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Country : Turkey

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References (30)

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Title : Decreased paraoxonase and arylesterase activities in the pathogenesis of future atherosclerotic heart disease in women with gestational diabetes mellitus - Camuzcuoglu_2009_J.Womens.Health.(Larchmt)_18_1435
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Title : Assessment of serum paraoxonase and arylesterase activities in early pregnancy failure - Toy_2009_Swiss.Med.Wkly_139_76
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Title : Paraoxonase-1 activity in subfertile men and relationship to sperm parameters - Verit_2009_J.Androl_30_183
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Title : Serum paraoxonase and arylesterase activities for the evaluation of patients with chronic hepatitis - Aslan_2008_Int.J.Clin.Pract_62_1050
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Title : Protective effects of melatonin on oxidative-antioxidative balance and cataract formation in rats - Kilic_2008_Ann.Ophthalmol.(Skokie)_40_22
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Title : Paraoxonase-1 activity in patients with hyperemesis gravidarum - Verit_2008_Redox.Rep_13_134
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Title : Serum paraoxonase-1 activity in women with endometriosis and its relationship with the stage of the disease - Verit_2008_Hum.Reprod_23_100
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Title : Paraoxonase and arylesterase activities in untreated dipper and non-dipper hypertensive patients - Yildiz_2008_Clin.Biochem_41_779
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Title : Association of paraoxonase activity and coronary blood flow - Yildiz_2008_Atherosclerosis_197_257
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Title : Association of paraoxonase activity and coronary collateral flow - Yildiz_2008_Coron.Artery.Dis_19_441
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Title : Assessment of paraoxonase and arylesterase activities in patients with iron deficiency anemia - Aslan_2007_Atherosclerosis_191_397
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Title : Paraoxonase, total antioxidant activity and peroxide levels in marasmic children: relationships with leptin - Ece_2007_Clin.Biochem_40_634
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Ref : Clinical Biochemistry , 40 :634 , 2007
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Title : Paraoxonase and arylesterase activities in patients with cardiac syndrome X, and their relationship with oxidative stress markers - Gur_2007_Coron.Artery.Dis_18_89
Author(s) : Gur M , Yildiz A , Demirbag R , Yilmaz R , Aslan M , Ozdogru I , Erel O
Ref : Coron Artery Dis , 18 :89 , 2007
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Title : PON1 status in haemodialysis patients and the impact of hepatitis C infection - Horoz_2007_Clin.Biochem_40_609
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Ref : Clinical Biochemistry , 40 :609 , 2007
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Title : Oxidative status and serum PON1 activity in beta-thalassemia minor - Selek_2007_Clin.Biochem_40_287
Author(s) : Selek S , Aslan M , Horoz M , Gur M , Erel O
Ref : Clinical Biochemistry , 40 :287 , 2007
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Title : Paraoxonase-1 activity as a marker of atherosclerosis is not associated with low bone mineral density in healthy postmenopausal women - Verit_2007_Arch.Gynecol.Obstet_275_353
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Ref : Arch Gynecol Obstet , 275 :353 , 2007
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Title : Paraoxonase and arylesterase activities in coronary artery disease - Gur_2006_Eur.J.Clin.Invest_36_779
Author(s) : Gur M , Aslan M , Yildiz A , Demirbag R , Yilmaz R , Selek S , Erel O , Ozdogru I
Ref : European Journal of Clinical Investigation , 36 :779 , 2006
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