Fletcher D

References (6)

Title : Organic secretion in ductal cells of the sublingual salivary gland of ferret: Histochemical observations - Triantafyllou_2020_Acta.Histochem__151540
Author(s) : Triantafyllou A , Fletcher D
Ref : Acta Histochemica , :151540 , 2020
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Triantafyllou_2020_Acta.Histochem__151540
PubMedID: 32279877

Title : Comparative histochemistry of posterior lingual salivary glands of mouse - Triantafyllou_2017_Acta.Histochem_119_57
Author(s) : Triantafyllou A , Fletcher D
Ref : Acta Histochemica , 119 :57 , 2017
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PubMedID: 27939450

Title : Organic secretory products, adaptive responses and innervation in the parotid gland of ferret: a histochemical study - Triantafyllou_2005_Arch.Oral.Biol_50_769
Author(s) : Triantafyllou A , Fletcher D , Scott J
Ref : Archives of Oral Biology , 50 :769 , 2005
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PubMedSearch : Triantafyllou_2005_Arch.Oral.Biol_50_769
PubMedID: 15970208

Title : Lack of peripheral analgesia mediated by intraplantar administration of neostigmine in carrageenan-injected rats - Bouaziz_2001_Eur.J.Anaesthesiol_18_303
Author(s) : Bouaziz H , Gentili ME , Girard F , Mazoit JX , Benhamou D , Laxenaire MC , Fletcher D
Ref : European Journal of Anaesthesiologyiol , 18 :303 , 2001
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Title : Histochemical phenotypes of von Ebner's gland of ferret and their functional implications - Triantafyllou_2001_Histochem.J_33_173
Author(s) : Triantafyllou A , Fletcher D , Scott J
Ref : Histochemical Journal , 33 :173 , 2001
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Triantafyllou_2001_Histochem.J_33_173
PubMedID: 11508341

Title : Innervation and myoepithelial arrangements in the submandibular salivary gland of ferret investigated by enzyme, catecholamine and filament histochemistry - Fletcher_1999_Arch.Oral.Biol_44_1035
Author(s) : Fletcher D , Triantafyllou A , Scott J
Ref : Archives of Oral Biology , 44 :1035 , 1999
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Fletcher_1999_Arch.Oral.Biol_44_1035
PubMedID: 10669082