

Title : Innervation and myoepithelial arrangements in the submandibular salivary gland of ferret investigated by enzyme, catecholamine and filament histochemistry - Fletcher_1999_Arch.Oral.Biol_44_1035
Author(s) : Fletcher D , Triantafyllou A , Scott J
Ref : Archives of Oral Biology , 44 :1035 , 1999
Abstract :

Although the submandibular gland of ferret is useful for studying salivary secretory processes which are regulated by nerves and involve myoepithelial activity, little attention has been paid to its parenchymal innervation and myoepithelial arrangements. Therefore, glands obtained postmortem from mature ferrets of both sexes were here examined with the use of light-microscopic histochemical techniques for cholinesterases, phosphatases and phosphorylase, histofluorescence for catecholamines, and milling dyes. Acetylcholinesterase staining was associated with nerve trunks in the interlobular stroma and an extensive intralobular network of nerve fibres, presumably of a cholinergic type, embracing acini and ducts. There were fewer fibres containing fluorescing catecholamines, presumably adrenergic. They were largely associated with acini. Numerous stellate cells with fine branching processes embracing acini, presumably myoepithelial cells, and a few spindle-shaped basal cells, investing striated ducts, were demonstrated on frozen tissue by alkaline phosphatase, but not by adenosine triphosphatase, inosine diphosphatase and phosphorylase. Cells of similar shape and distribution were also demonstrated by staining with milling dyes on fixed tissues, indicating possibly a filamentous constituent conferring mechanical stability and/or contractile ability. Together, these results suggest, firstly, that a cholinergic-type parenchymal innervation is prominent in the submandibular gland of ferret, although many adrenergic nerves are also present, and, secondly that the gland has a very extensive myoepithelial network which is possibly involved in membrane transport, and the support and or contraction of the secretory parenchyma.

PubMedSearch : Fletcher_1999_Arch.Oral.Biol_44_1035
PubMedID: 10669082

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Fletcher D, Triantafyllou A, Scott J (1999)
Innervation and myoepithelial arrangements in the submandibular salivary gland of ferret investigated by enzyme, catecholamine and filament histochemistry
Archives of Oral Biology 44 :1035

Fletcher D, Triantafyllou A, Scott J (1999)
Archives of Oral Biology 44 :1035