Fujimoto N

References (1)

Title : Genetic basis of the highly efficient yeast Kluyveromyces marxianus: complete genome sequence and transcriptome analyses - Lertwattanasakul_2015_Biotechnol.Biofuels_8_47
Author(s) : Lertwattanasakul N , Kosaka T , Hosoyama A , Suzuki Y , Rodrussamee N , Matsutani M , Murata M , Fujimoto N , Suprayogi , Tsuchikane K , Limtong S , Fujita N , Yamada M
Ref : Biotechnol Biofuels , 8 :47 , 2015
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Lertwattanasakul_2015_Biotechnol.Biofuels_8_47
PubMedID: 25834639
Gene_locus related to this paper: klumd-w0tha9