Ghazi A

References (2)

Title : Diversity of glycosyl hydrolases from cellulose-depleting communities enriched from casts of two earthworm species - Beloqui_2010_Appl.Environ.Microbiol_76_5934
Author(s) : Beloqui A , Nechitaylo TY , Lopez-Cortes N , Ghazi A , Guazzaroni ME , Polaina J , Strittmatter AW , Reva O , Waliczek A , Yakimov MM , Golyshina OV , Ferrer M , Golyshin PN
Ref : Applied Environmental Microbiology , 76 :5934 , 2010
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Beloqui_2010_Appl.Environ.Microbiol_76_5934
PubMedID: 20622123
Gene_locus related to this paper: 9zzzz-d8vn29

Title : Inter-conversion of catalytic abilities in a bifunctional carboxyl\/feruloyl-esterase from earthworm gut metagenome - Vieites_2010_Microb.Biotechnol_3_48
Author(s) : Vieites JM , Ghazi A , Beloqui A , Polaina J , Andreu JM , Golyshina OV , Nechitaylo TY , Waliczek A , Yakimov MM , Golyshin PN , Ferrer M
Ref : Microb Biotechnol , 3 :48 , 2010
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Vieites_2010_Microb.Biotechnol_3_48
PubMedID: 21255305