Han JI

References (3)

Title : Acyl-CoA thioesterase-2 facilitates beta-oxidation in glycolytic skeletal muscle in a lipid supply dependent manner - Bekeova_2023_bioRxiv__
Author(s) : Bekeova C , Han JI , Xu H , Kerr E , Blackburne B , Lynch SC , Mesaros C , Murgia M , Vadigepalli R , Beld J , Leonardi R , Snyder NW , Seifert EL
Ref : Biorxiv , : , 2023
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Bekeova_2023_bioRxiv__
PubMedID: 37425757
Gene_locus related to this paper: mouse-acot2

Title : The effect of pyridostigmine on bispectral index during recovery from sevoflurane anesthesia - Jeong_2011_Korean.J.Anesthesiol_61_460
Author(s) : Jeong SJ , Han JI , Baik HJ , Lee H , Lee GY , Kim JH
Ref : Korean J Anesthesiol , 61 :460 , 2011
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Jeong_2011_Korean.J.Anesthesiol_61_460
PubMedID: 22220221

Title : Complete genome sequence of the metabolically versatile plant growth-promoting endophyte Variovorax paradoxus S110 - Han_2011_J.Bacteriol_193_1183
Author(s) : Han JI , Choi HK , Lee SW , Orwin PM , Kim J , Laroe SL , Kim TG , O'Neil J , Leadbetter JR , Lee SY , Hur CG , Spain JC , Ovchinnikova G , Goodwin L , Han C
Ref : Journal of Bacteriology , 193 :1183 , 2011
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Han_2011_J.Bacteriol_193_1183
PubMedID: 21183664
Gene_locus related to this paper: varps-c5cla8 , varps-c5cld3 , varps-c5cle8 , varps-c5cmg7 , varps-c5cmn3 , varps-c5cmq5 , varps-c5cn77 , varps-c5cpt8 , varps-c5cqf4 , varps-c5crj1 , varps-c5crm2 , varps-c5csa3 , varps-c5csp0 , varps-c5ct29 , varps-c5ct59 , varps-c5ctz6 , varps-c5cu01 , varps-c5cu02 , varps-c5cuk9 , varps-c5cw29 , varps-c5czm3 , varps-c5czm7 , varps-c5czs2 , varps-c5czw9 , varps-c5czx0 , varps-c5czz1 , varps-c5d0w2 , varps-c5d1f5 , varps-c5d1m4 , varps-c5d1p7 , varps-c5d1r3 , varps-c5d033 , varpd-t1x730 , varps-c5cyt5 , varps-rutd