Hollmann F

References (4)

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Ref : Sci Rep , 7 :44599 , 2017
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Title : Engineering of Candida antarctica lipase B for hydrolysis of bulky carboxylic acid esters - Juhl_2010_J.Biotechnol_150_474
Author(s) : Juhl PB , Doderer K , Hollmann F , Thum O , Pleiss J
Ref : J Biotechnol , 150 :474 , 2010
Abstract :
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Title : Enzyme engineering for enantioselectivity: from trial-and-error to rational design? - Otten_2010_Trends.Biotechnol_28_46
Author(s) : Otten LG , Hollmann F , Arends IW
Ref : Trends Biotechnol , 28 :46 , 2010
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Otten_2010_Trends.Biotechnol_28_46
PubMedID: 19913316