Kozyavkin SA

References (2)

Title : Comparative genomic analysis of the gut bacterium Bifidobacterium longum reveals loci susceptible to deletion during pure culture growth - Lee_2008_BMC.Genomics_9_247
Author(s) : Lee JH , Karamychev VN , Kozyavkin SA , Mills D , Pavlov AR , Pavlova NV , Polouchine NN , Richardson PM , Shakhova VV , Slesarev AI , Weimer B , O'Sullivan DJ
Ref : BMC Genomics , 9 :247 , 2008
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Lee_2008_BMC.Genomics_9_247
PubMedID: 18505588
Gene_locus related to this paper: bifli-c2gxu7 , biflo-BL0073 , biflo-BL0336 , biflo-BL0581 , biflo-BL0582 , biflo-BL0682 , biflo-BL0787 , biflo-BL0807 , biflo-BL1109 , biflo-BL1514 , biflo-PAP , biflo-PTRB

Title : The complete genome of hyperthermophile Methanopyrus kandleri AV19 and monophyly of archaeal methanogens - Slesarev_2002_Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.U.S.A_99_4644
Author(s) : Slesarev AI , Mezhevaya KV , Makarova KS , Polushin NN , Shcherbinina OV , Shakhova VV , Belova GI , Aravind L , Natale DA , Rogozin IB , Tatusov RL , Wolf YI , Stetter KO , Malykh AG , Koonin EV , Kozyavkin SA
Ref : Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America , 99 :4644 , 2002
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Slesarev_2002_Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.U.S.A_99_4644
PubMedID: 11930014