Krieger N

References (13)

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Author(s) : Martini VP , Krieger N , Glogauer A , Souza EM , Iulek J
Ref : N Biotechnol , 53 :65 , 2019
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Gene_locus related to this paper: 9bact-g1apt8

Title : LipG9-mediated enzymatic kinetic resolution of racemates: Expanding the substrate-scope for a metagenomic lipase - Thomas_2019_Mol.Catal_473_110402
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Gene_locus related to this paper: 9bact-Lipg9

Title : Biochemical characterization and application of a new lipase and its cognate foldase obtained from a metagenomic library derived from fat-contaminated soil - Almeida_2019_Int.J.Biol.Macromol_137_442
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Gene_locus related to this paper: 9bact-LipMF3

Title : Co-expression, purification and characterization of the lipase and foldase of Burkholderia contaminans LTEB11 - Alnoch_2018_Int.J.Biol.Macromol_116_1222
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Gene_locus related to this paper: burce-lipaa

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Gene_locus related to this paper: 9bact-Lipg9

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Author(s) : Martini VP , Glogauer A , Iulek J , Souza EM , Pedrosa FO , Krieger N
Ref : Acta Crystallographica Sect F Struct Biol Cryst Commun , 68 :175 , 2012
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Gene_locus related to this paper: 9bact-g1apt8

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Ref : Microb Cell Fact , 10 :54 , 2011
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Gene_locus related to this paper: 9bact-g1apt8

Title : First evidence for the salt-dependent folding and activity of an esterase from the halophilic archaea Haloarcula marismortui - Muller-Santos_2009_Biochim.Biophys.Acta_1791_719
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Title : An analytical method for determining relative specificities for sequential reactions catalyzed by the same enzyme: application to the hydrolysis of triacylglycerols by lipases - Mitchell_2008_J.Biotechnol_133_343
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Title : An analytical method for determining relative specificities for sequential reactions catalyzed by the same enzyme: general formulation - Mitchell_2008_Biochim.Biophys.Acta_1784_705
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Title : Determination of lipase activity using image analysis - Muller-Santos_2006_Anal.Biochem_351_305
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