Title : Impaired Hippocampal Long-Term Potentiation and Memory Deficits upon Haploinsufficiency of MDGA1 Can Be Rescued by Acute Administration of D-Cycloserine - Ojima_2024_Int.J.Mol.Sci_25_ |
Author(s) : Ojima D , Tominaga Y , Kubota T , Tada A , Takahashi H , Kishimoto Y , Tominaga T , Yamamoto T |
Ref : Int J Mol Sci , 25 : , 2024 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Ojima_2024_Int.J.Mol.Sci_25_ |
PubMedID: 39273620 |
Title : Structural and functional insights into the enzymatic activities of lipases from Burkholderia stagnalis and Burkholderia plantarii - Kataoka_2024_FEBS.Lett__ |
Author(s) : Kataoka S , Kawamoto S , Kitagawa S , Kugimiya W , Tsumura K , Akutsu Y , Kubota T , Ishikawa K |
Ref : FEBS Letters , : , 2024 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Kataoka_2024_FEBS.Lett__ |
PubMedID: 38658173 |
Gene_locus related to this paper: 9burk-a0a108c1v7 |
Title : Investigation of Glucose Metabolism by Continuous Glucose Monitoring and Validation of Dipeptidyl Peptidase 4 Inhibitor Use in Patients with Myotonic Dystrophy Type 1 - Takada_2024_J.Clin.Med_13_ |
Author(s) : Takada H , Matsumura T , Shimamura H , Matsui M , Kon S , Fukumoto A , Kubota T , Yoshida K , Iwahashi H , Takahashi MP |
Ref : J Clin Med , 13 : , 2024 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Takada_2024_J.Clin.Med_13_ |
PubMedID: 39274465 |
Title : Hepatic FASN deficiency differentially affects nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and diabetes in mouse obesity models - Matsukawa_2023_JCI.Insight_8__e161282 |
Author(s) : Matsukawa T , Yagi T , Uchida T , Sakai M , Mitsushima M , Naganuma T , Yano H , Inaba Y , Inoue H , Yanagida K , Uematsu M , Nakao K , Nakao H , Aiba A , Nagashima Y , Kubota T , Kubota N , Izumida Y , Yahagi N , Unoki-Kubota H , Kaburagi Y , Asahara SI , Kido Y , Shindou H , Itoh M , Ogawa Y , Minami S , Terauchi Y , Tobe K , Ueki K , Kasuga M , Matsumoto M |
Ref : JCI Insight , 8 : , 2023 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Matsukawa_2023_JCI.Insight_8__e161282 |
PubMedID: 37681411 |
Gene_locus related to this paper: human-FASN , mouse-FASN |
Title : Analyzing schizophrenia-related phenotypes in mice caused by autoantibodies against NRXN1alpha in schizophrenia - Shiwaku_2023_Brain.Behav.Immun__ |
Author(s) : Shiwaku H , Katayama S , Gao M , Kondo K , Nakano Y , Motokawa Y , Toyoda S , Yoshida F , Hori H , Kubota T , Ishikawa K , Kunugi H , Ikegaya Y , Okazawa H , Takahashi H |
Ref : Brain Behavior & Immunity , : , 2023 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Shiwaku_2023_Brain.Behav.Immun__ |
PubMedID: 37004758 |
Title : Anagliptin increases insulin-induced skeletal muscle glucose uptake via an NO-dependent mechanism in mice - Sato_2016_Diabetologia_59_2426 |
Author(s) : Sato H , Kubota N , Kubota T , Takamoto I , Iwayama K , Tokuyama K , Moroi M , Sugi K , Nakaya K , Goto M , Jomori T , Kadowaki T |
Ref : Diabetologia , 59 :2426 , 2016 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Sato_2016_Diabetologia_59_2426 |
PubMedID: 27525648 |
Title : Serratezomines D and E, new Lycopodium alkaloids from Lycopodium serratum var. serratum - Kubota_2009_Bioorg.Med.Chem.Lett_19_3577 |
Author(s) : Kubota T , Yahata H , Yamamoto S , Hayashi S , Shibata T , Kobayashi J |
Ref : Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Lett , 19 :3577 , 2009 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Kubota_2009_Bioorg.Med.Chem.Lett_19_3577 |
PubMedID: 19447614 |
Title : Acute fatal poisoning cases due to furathiocarb ingestion - Lee_1999_Forensic.Sci.Int_101_65 |
Author(s) : Lee SK , Ameno K , In SW , Yang WK , Koo KS , Yoo YC , Kubota T , Ameno S , Ijiri I |
Ref : Forensic Science International , 101 :65 , 1999 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Lee_1999_Forensic.Sci.Int_101_65 |
PubMedID: 10376339 |
Title : Dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DP IV) activity in serum and on lymphocytes of MRL\/Mp-lpr\/lpr mice correlates with disease onset - Kubota_1994_Clin.Exp.Immunol_96_292 |
Author(s) : Kubota T , Iizuka H , Bachovchin WW , Stollar BD |
Ref : Clinical & Experimental Immunology , 96 :292 , 1994 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Kubota_1994_Clin.Exp.Immunol_96_292 |
PubMedID: 7910536 |