Title : The impact of partial and complete loss-of-function mutations in endothelial lipase on high-density lipoprotein levels and functionality in humans - Singaraja_2013_Circ.Cardiovasc.Genet_6_54 |
Author(s) : Singaraja RR , Sivapalaratnam S , Hovingh K , Dube MP , Castro-Perez J , Collins HL , Adelman SJ , Riwanto M , Manz J , Hubbard B , Tietjen I , Wong K , Mitnaul LJ , van Heek M , Lin L , Roddy TA , McEwen J , Dallinge-Thie G , van Vark-van der Zee L , Verwoert G , Winther M , van Duijn C , Hofman A , Trip MD , Marais AD , Asztalos B , Landmesser U , Sijbrands E , Kastelein JJ , Hayden MR |
Ref : Circ Cardiovasc Genet , 6 :54 , 2013 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Singaraja_2013_Circ.Cardiovasc.Genet_6_54 |
PubMedID: 23243195 |
Title : Plasma and vessel wall lipoprotein lipase have different roles in atherosclerosis - Clee_2000_J.Lipid.Res_41_521 |
Author(s) : Clee SM , Bissada N , Miao F , Miao L , Marais AD , Henderson HE , Steures P , McManus J , McManus B , LeBoeuf RC , Kastelein JJ , Hayden MR |
Ref : J Lipid Res , 41 :521 , 2000 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Clee_2000_J.Lipid.Res_41_521 |
PubMedID: 10744772 |
Title : Amino acid substitution (Ile194----Thr) in exon 5 of the lipoprotein lipase gene causes lipoprotein lipase deficiency in three unrelated probands. Support for a multicentric origin - Henderson_1991_J.Clin.Invest_87_2005 |
Author(s) : Henderson HE , Ma Y , Hassan MF , Monsalve MV , Marais AD , Winkler F , Gubernator K , Peterson J , Brunzell JD , Hayden MR |
Ref : J Clinical Investigation , 87 :2005 , 1991 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Henderson_1991_J.Clin.Invest_87_2005 |
PubMedID: 1674945 |
Gene_locus related to this paper: human-LPL |