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Title : The genome of the African trypanosome Trypanosoma brucei - Berriman_2005_Science_309_416
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PubMedSearch : Berriman_2005_Science_309_416
PubMedID: 16020726
Gene_locus related to this paper: tryb2-q6h9e3 , tryb2-q6ha27 , tryb2-q38cd5 , tryb2-q38cd6 , tryb2-q38cd7 , tryb2-q38dc1 , tryb2-q38de4 , tryb2-q38ds6 , tryb2-q38dx1 , tryb2-q380z6 , tryb2-q382c1 , tryb2-q382l4 , tryb2-q383a9 , tryb2-q386e3 , tryb2-q387r7 , tryb2-q388n1 , tryb2-q389w3 , trybr-PEPTB , trycr-q4cq28 , trycr-q4cq94 , trycr-q4cq95 , trycr-q4cq96 , trycr-q4csm0 , trycr-q4cwv3 , trycr-q4cx66 , trycr-q4cxr6 , trycr-q4cyc5 , trycr-q4cyf6 , trycr-q4d3a2 , trycr-q4d3x3 , trycr-q4d3y4 , trycr-q4d6h1 , trycr-q4d8h8 , trycr-q4d8h9 , trycr-q4d8i0 , trycr-q4d786 , trycr-q4d975 , trycr-q4da08 , trycr-q4dap6 , trycr-q4dbm2 , trycr-q4dbn1 , trycr-q4ddw7 , trycr-q4de42 , trycr-q4dhn8 , trycr-q4dkk8 , trycr-q4dkk9 , trycr-q4dm56 , trycr-q4dqa6 , trycr-q4dt91 , trycr-q4dvp2 , trycr-q4dw34 , trycr-q4dwm3 , trycr-q4dy49 , trycr-q4dy82 , trycr-q4dzp6 , trycr-q4e3m8 , trycr-q4e4t5 , trycr-q4e5d1 , trycr-q4e5z2

Title : Comparative genomics of trypanosomatid parasitic protozoa - El-Sayed_2005_Science_309_404
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PubMedSearch : El-Sayed_2005_Science_309_404
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Gene_locus related to this paper: tryb2-q382c1 , trycr-q4dhv2 , trycr-q4dpt2 , trycr-q4dpy4

Title : Genome sequence of the Brown Norway rat yields insights into mammalian evolution - Gibbs_2004_Nature_428_493
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Ref : Nature , 428 :493 , 2004
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Gibbs_2004_Nature_428_493
PubMedID: 15057822
Gene_locus related to this paper: rat-abhea , rat-abheb , rat-cd029 , rat-d3zaw4 , rat-dpp9 , rat-d3zhq1 , rat-d3zkp8 , rat-d3zuq1 , rat-d3zxw8 , rat-d4a4w4 , rat-d4a7w1 , rat-d4a9l7 , rat-d4a071 , rat-d4aa31 , rat-d4aa33 , rat-d4aa61 , rat-dglb , rat-f1lz91 , rat-Kansl3 , rat-nceh1 , rat-Tex30 , ratno-1hlip , ratno-1neur , ratno-1plip , ratno-2neur , ratno-3neur , ratno-3plip , ratno-ABH15 , ratno-ACHE , ratno-balip , ratno-BCHE , ratno-cauxin , ratno-Ces1d , ratno-Ces1e , ratno-Ces2f , ratno-m0r8j8 , ratno-d3ze31 , ratno-d3zp14 , ratno-d3zxi3 , ratno-d3zxq0 , ratno-d3zxq1 , ratno-d4a3d4 , ratno-d4aa05 , ratno-dpp4 , ratno-dpp6 , ratno-est8 , ratno-FAP , ratno-fas , ratno-hyep , ratno-hyes , ratno-kmcxe , ratno-lmcxe , ratno-LOC246252 , ratno-MGLL , ratno-pbcxe , ratno-phebest , ratno-Ppgb , ratno-q4qr68 , ratno-q6ayr2 , ratno-q6q629 , ratno-SPG21 , ratno-thyro , rat-m0rc77 , rat-a0a0g2k9y7 , rat-a0a0g2kb83 , rat-d3zba8 , rat-d3zbj1 , rat-d3zcr8 , rat-d3zxw5 , rat-d4a340 , rat-f1lvg7 , rat-m0r509 , rat-m0r5d4 , rat-b5den3 , rat-d3zxk4 , rat-d4a1b6 , rat-d3zmg4 , rat-ab17c , rat-g3v7a7

Title : Whole genome comparisons of serotype 4b and 1\/2a strains of the food-borne pathogen Listeria monocytogenes reveal new insights into the core genome components of this species - Nelson_2004_Nucleic.Acids.Res_32_2386
Author(s) : Nelson KE , Fouts DE , Mongodin EF , Ravel J , DeBoy RT , Kolonay JF , Rasko DA , Angiuoli SV , Gill SR , Paulsen IT , Peterson J , White O , Nelson WC , Nierman W , Beanan MJ , Brinkac LM , Daugherty SC , Dodson RJ , Durkin AS , Madupu R , Haft DH , Selengut J , Van Aken S , Khouri H , Fedorova N , Forberger H , Tran B , Kathariou S , Wonderling LD , Uhlich GA , Bayles DO , Luchansky JB , Fraser CM
Ref : Nucleic Acids Research , 32 :2386 , 2004
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Nelson_2004_Nucleic.Acids.Res_32_2386
PubMedID: 15115801
Gene_locus related to this paper: lismc-c1l0d9 , lismf-q71xq4 , lismo-LMO0110 , lismo-LMO0493 , lismo-LMO0580 , lismo-LMO0752 , lismo-LMO0760 , lismo-LMO0857 , lismo-LMO0950 , lismo-LMO0951 , lismo-LMO0977 , lismo-LMO1128 , lismo-LMO1258 , lismo-LMO1674 , lismo-LMO2089 , lismo-LMO2109 , lismo-LMO2433 , lismo-LMO2450 , lismo-LMO2452 , lismo-LMO2453 , lismo-LMO2578 , lismo-LMO2677 , lismo-LMO2755 , lismo-metx

Title : Potential applications of nicotinic ligands in the laboratory and clinic - Dani_2004_Bioorg.Med.Chem.Lett_14_1837
Author(s) : Dani JA , De Biasi M , Liang Y , Peterson J , Zhang L , Zhang T , Zhou FM
Ref : Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Lett , 14 :1837 , 2004
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Dani_2004_Bioorg.Med.Chem.Lett_14_1837
PubMedID: 15050611

Title : Nicotinic cholinergic synaptic mechanisms in the ventral tegmental area contribute to nicotine addiction - Pidoplichko_2004_Learn.Mem_11_60
Author(s) : Pidoplichko VI , Noguchi J , Areola OO , Liang Y , Peterson J , Zhang T , Dani JA
Ref : Learn Mem , 11 :60 , 2004
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Pidoplichko_2004_Learn.Mem_11_60
PubMedID: 14747518

Title : Genome sequence of Chlamydophila caviae (Chlamydia psittaci GPIC): examining the role of niche-specific genes in the evolution of the Chlamydiaceae - Read_2003_Nucleic.Acids.Res_31_2134
Author(s) : Read TD , Myers GS , Brunham RC , Nelson WC , Paulsen IT , Heidelberg J , Holtzapple E , Khouri H , Federova NB , Carty HA , Umayam LA , Haft DH , Peterson J , Beanan MJ , White O , Salzberg SL , Hsia RC , McClarty G , Rank RG , Bavoil PM , Fraser CM
Ref : Nucleic Acids Research , 31 :2134 , 2003
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Read_2003_Nucleic.Acids.Res_31_2134
PubMedID: 12682364
Gene_locus related to this paper: chlca-CCA00443 , chlca-CCA00510 , chlca-CCA00609 , chlca-CCA00614 , chlcv-p94660

Title : Structural and functional consequences of missense mutations in exon 5 of the lipoprotein lipase gene - Peterson_2002_J.Lipid.Res_43_398
Author(s) : Peterson J , Ayyobi AF , Ma Y , Henderson H , Reina M , Deeb SS , Santamarina-Fojo S , Hayden MR , Brunzell JD
Ref : J Lipid Res , 43 :398 , 2002
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Peterson_2002_J.Lipid.Res_43_398
PubMedID: 11893776
Gene_locus related to this paper: human-LPL

Title : Whole-genome comparison of Mycobacterium tuberculosis clinical and laboratory strains - Fleischmann_2002_J.Bacteriol_184_5479
Author(s) : Fleischmann RD , Alland D , Eisen JA , Carpenter L , White O , Peterson J , Deboy R , Dodson R , Gwinn M , Haft D , Hickey E , Kolonay JF , Nelson WC , Umayam LA , Ermolaeva M , Salzberg SL , Delcher A , Utterback T , Weidman J , Khouri H , Gill J , Mikula A , Bishai W , Jacobs Jr WR, Jr. , Venter JC , Fraser CM
Ref : Journal of Bacteriology , 184 :5479 , 2002
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Fleischmann_2002_J.Bacteriol_184_5479
PubMedID: 12218036
Gene_locus related to this paper: myctu-a85a , myctu-a85b , myctu-a85c , myctu-bpoC , myctu-d5yk66 , myctu-ephA , myctu-ephB , myctu-ephc , myctu-ephd , myctu-ephE , myctu-ephF , myctu-hpx , myctu-linb , myctu-lipG , myctu-LPQP , myctu-MBTB , myctu-metx , myctu-mpt51 , myctu-MT3441 , myctu-p71654 , myctu-p95011 , myctu-PKS6 , myctu-PKS13 , myctu-ppe42 , myctu-ppe63 , myctu-Rv1430 , myctu-RV0045C , myctu-Rv0077c , myctu-Rv0151c , myctu-Rv0152c , myctu-Rv0159c , myctu-Rv0160c , myctu-rv0183 , myctu-Rv0217c , myctu-Rv0220 , myctu-Rv0272c , myctu-RV0293C , myctu-RV0421C , myctu-RV0457C , myctu-RV0519C , myctu-RV0774C , myctu-RV0782 , myctu-RV0840C , myctu-Rv1069c , myctu-Rv1076 , myctu-RV1123C , myctu-Rv1184c , myctu-Rv1190 , myctu-Rv1191 , myctu-RV1192 , myctu-RV1215C , myctu-Rv1399c , myctu-Rv1400c , myctu-RV1639C , myctu-RV1683 , myctu-RV1758 , myctu-Rv1800 , myctu-Rv1833c , myctu-Rv2045c , myctu-RV2054 , myctu-Rv2284 , myctu-RV2296 , myctu-Rv2385 , myctu-Rv2485c , myctu-RV2627C , myctu-RV2672 , myctu-RV2695 , myctu-RV2765 , myctu-RV2800 , myctu-RV2854 , myctu-Rv2970c , myctu-Rv3084 , myctu-Rv3097c , myctu-rv3177 , myctu-Rv3312c , myctu-RV3452 , myctu-Rv3487c , myctu-Rv3569c , myctu-Rv3591c , myctu-RV3724 , myctu-Rv3802c , myctu-Rv3822 , myctu-y0571 , myctu-y963 , myctu-Y1834 , myctu-y1835 , myctu-y2079 , myctu-Y2307 , myctu-yc88 , myctu-ym23 , myctu-ym24 , myctu-YR15 , myctu-yt28

Title : Complete genome sequence and comparative analysis of the metabolically versatile Pseudomonas putida KT2440 - Nelson_2002_Environ.Microbiol_4_799
Author(s) : Nelson KE , Weinel C , Paulsen IT , Dodson RJ , Hilbert H , Martins dos Santos VA , Fouts DE , Gill SR , Pop M , Holmes M , Brinkac L , Beanan M , DeBoy RT , Daugherty S , Kolonay J , Madupu R , Nelson W , White O , Peterson J , Khouri H , Hance I , Chris Lee P , Holtzapple E , Scanlan D , Tran K , Moazzez A , Utterback T , Rizzo M , Lee K , Kosack D , Moestl D , Wedler H , Lauber J , Stjepandic D , Hoheisel J , Straetz M , Heim S , Kiewitz C , Eisen JA , Timmis KN , Dusterhoft A , Tummler B , Fraser CM
Ref : Environ Microbiol , 4 :799 , 2002
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Nelson_2002_Environ.Microbiol_4_799
PubMedID: 12534463
Gene_locus related to this paper: psep1-a5wa77 , psep1-a5wax1 , psepk-q88nk6 , psepk-q88qt0 , psepu-acoc , psepu-BIOH , psepu-bpest , psepu-ESTB , psepu-LIP , psepu-METX , psepu-PHAC1 , psepu-PHAC2 , psepu-PHAG , psepu-PHAZ , psepu-PIP , psepu-PP0375 , psepu-PP0498 , psepu-PP0532 , psepu-PP1064 , psepu-PP1184 , psepu-PP1310 , psepu-PP1500 , psepu-PP1617 , psepu-PP1829 , psepu-PP1979 , psepu-PP2083 , psepu-PP2201 , psepu-PP2236 , psepu-PP2567 , psepu-PP2804 , psepu-PP2934 , psepu-PP3195 , psepu-PP3367 , psepu-PP3404 , psepu-PP3645 , psepu-PP3807 , psepu-PP3812 , psepu-PP3943 , psepu-PP4164 , psepu-PP4165 , psepu-PP4178 , psepu-PP4249 , psepu-PP4540 , psepu-PP4551 , psepu-PP4583 , psepu-PP4624 , psepu-PP4634 , psepu-PP4916 , psepu-PP5117 , psepu-PP5161 , psepu-PP5167 , psepu-PPSD , psepu-Q8KQK1 , psepu-q9wwz4

Title : Genome sequence of the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum - Gardner_2002_Nature_419_498
Author(s) : Gardner MJ , Hall N , Fung E , White O , Berriman M , Hyman RW , Carlton JM , Pain A , Nelson KE , Bowman S , Paulsen IT , James K , Eisen JA , Rutherford K , Salzberg SL , Craig A , Kyes S , Chan MS , Nene V , Shallom SJ , Suh B , Peterson J , Angiuoli S , Pertea M , Allen J , Selengut J , Haft D , Mather MW , Vaidya AB , Martin DM , Fairlamb AH , Fraunholz MJ , Roos DS , Ralph SA , McFadden GI , Cummings LM , Subramanian GM , Mungall C , Venter JC , Carucci DJ , Hoffman SL , Newbold C , Davis RW , Fraser CM , Barrell B
Ref : Nature , 419 :498 , 2002
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Gardner_2002_Nature_419_498
PubMedID: 12368864
Gene_locus related to this paper: plaf7-c0h4q4 , plaf7-q8i5y6 , plaf7-q8iik5 , plafa-PF10.0018 , plafa-PF10.0020 , plafa-PF10.0379 , plafa-PF11.0211 , plafa-PF11.0276 , plafa-PF11.0441 , plafa-PF14.0015 , plafa-PF14.0017 , plafa-PF14.0099 , plafa-PF14.0250 , plafa-PF14.0395 , plafa-PF14.0737 , plafa-PF14.0738 , plafa-PFL2530W

Title : Sequence of Plasmodium falciparum chromosomes 2, 10, 11 and 14 - Gardner_2002_Nature_419_531
Author(s) : Gardner MJ , Shallom SJ , Carlton JM , Salzberg SL , Nene V , Shoaibi A , Ciecko A , Lynn J , Rizzo M , Weaver B , Jarrahi B , Brenner M , Parvizi B , Tallon L , Moazzez A , Granger D , Fujii C , Hansen C , Pederson J , Feldblyum T , Peterson J , Suh B , Angiuoli S , Pertea M , Allen J , Selengut J , White O , Cummings LM , Smith HO , Adams MD , Venter JC , Carucci DJ , Hoffman SL , Fraser CM
Ref : Nature , 419 :531 , 2002
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Gardner_2002_Nature_419_531
PubMedID: 12368868
Gene_locus related to this paper: plafa-MAL3P8.11

Title : Inactivation of the human brain muscarinic acetylcholine receptor by oxidative damage catalyzed by a low molecular weight endogenous inhibitor from Alzheimer's brain is prevented by pyrophosphate analogs, bioflavonoids and other antioxidants - Fawcett_2002_Brain.Res_950_10
Author(s) : Fawcett J , Bordayo E , Jackson K , Liu H , Peterson J , Svitak A , Frey W, 2nd
Ref : Brain Research , 950 :10 , 2002
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Fawcett_2002_Brain.Res_950_10
PubMedID: 12231224

Title : Sequence and analysis of chromosome 3 of the plant Arabidopsis thaliana - Salanoubat_2000_Nature_408_820
Author(s) : Salanoubat M , Lemcke K , Rieger M , Ansorge W , Unseld M , Fartmann B , Valle G , Blocker H , Perez-Alonso M , Obermaier B , Delseny M , Boutry M , Grivell LA , Mache R , Puigdomenech P , de Simone V , Choisne N , Artiguenave F , Robert C , Brottier P , Wincker P , Cattolico L , Weissenbach J , Saurin W , Quetier F , Schafer M , Muller-Auer S , Gabel C , Fuchs M , Benes V , Wurmbach E , Drzonek H , Erfle H , Jordan N , Bangert S , Wiedelmann R , Kranz H , Voss H , Holland R , Brandt P , Nyakatura G , Vezzi A , D'Angelo M , Pallavicini A , Toppo S , Simionati B , Conrad A , Hornischer K , Kauer G , Lohnert TH , Nordsiek G , Reichelt J , Scharfe M , Schon O , Bargues M , Terol J , Climent J , Navarro P , Collado C , Perez-Perez A , Ottenwalder B , Duchemin D , Cooke R , Laudie M , Berger-Llauro C , Purnelle B , Masuy D , de Haan M , Maarse AC , Alcaraz JP , Cottet A , Casacuberta E , Monfort A , Argiriou A , Flores M , Liguori R , Vitale D , Mannhaupt G , Haase D , Schoof H , Rudd S , Zaccaria P , Mewes HW , Mayer KF , Kaul S , Town CD , Koo HL , Tallon LJ , Jenkins J , Rooney T , Rizzo M , Walts A , Utterback T , Fujii CY , Shea TP , Creasy TH , Haas B , Maiti R , Wu D , Peterson J , Van Aken S , Pai G , Militscher J , Sellers P , Gill JE , Feldblyum TV , Preuss D , Lin X , Nierman WC , Salzberg SL , White O , Venter JC , Fraser CM , Kaneko T , Nakamura Y , Sato S , Kato T , Asamizu E , Sasamoto S , Kimura T , Idesawa K , Kawashima K , Kishida Y , Kiyokawa C , Kohara M , Matsumoto M , Matsuno A , Muraki A , Nakayama S , Nakazaki N , Shinpo S , Takeuchi C , Wada T , Watanabe A , Yamada M , Yasuda M , Tabata S
Ref : Nature , 408 :820 , 2000
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Salanoubat_2000_Nature_408_820
PubMedID: 11130713
Gene_locus related to this paper: arath-MES17 , arath-AT3G12150 , arath-At3g61680 , arath-AT3g62590 , arath-CXE12 , arath-eds1 , arath-SCP25 , arath-F1P2.110 , arath-F1P2.140 , arath-F11F8.28 , arath-F14D17.80 , arath-F16B3.4 , arath-SCP27 , arath-At3g50790 , arath-At3g05600 , arath-PAD4 , arath-At3g51000 , arath-SCP16 , arath-gid1 , arath-GID1B , arath-Q9LUG8 , arath-Q84JS1 , arath-Q9SFF6 , arath-q9m236 , arath-q9sr22 , arath-q9sr23 , arath-SCP7 , arath-SCP14 , arath-SCP15 , arath-SCP17 , arath-SCP36 , arath-SCP37 , arath-SCP39 , arath-SCP40 , arath-SCP49 , arath-T19F11.2

Title : Sequence and analysis of chromosome 1 of the plant Arabidopsis thaliana - Theologis_2000_Nature_408_816
Author(s) : Theologis A , Ecker JR , Palm CJ , Federspiel NA , Kaul S , White O , Alonso J , Altafi H , Araujo R , Bowman CL , Brooks SY , Buehler E , Chan A , Chao Q , Chen H , Cheuk RF , Chin CW , Chung MK , Conn L , Conway AB , Conway AR , Creasy TH , Dewar K , Dunn P , Etgu P , Feldblyum TV , Feng J , Fong B , Fujii CY , Gill JE , Goldsmith AD , Haas B , Hansen NF , Hughes B , Huizar L , Hunter JL , Jenkins J , Johnson-Hopson C , Khan S , Khaykin E , Kim CJ , Koo HL , Kremenetskaia I , Kurtz DB , Kwan A , Lam B , Langin-Hooper S , Lee A , Lee JM , Lenz CA , Li JH , Li Y , Lin X , Liu SX , Liu ZA , Luros JS , Maiti R , Marziali A , Militscher J , Miranda M , Nguyen M , Nierman WC , Osborne BI , Pai G , Peterson J , Pham PK , Rizzo M , Rooney T , Rowley D , Sakano H , Salzberg SL , Schwartz JR , Shinn P , Southwick AM , Sun H , Tallon LJ , Tambunga G , Toriumi MJ , Town CD , Utterback T , Van Aken S , Vaysberg M , Vysotskaia VS , Walker M , Wu D , Yu G , Fraser CM , Venter JC , Davis RW
Ref : Nature , 408 :816 , 2000
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Theologis_2000_Nature_408_816
PubMedID: 11130712
Gene_locus related to this paper: arath-At1g05790 , arath-At1g09280 , arath-At1g09980 , arath-AT1G29120 , arath-AT1G52695 , arath-AT1G66900 , arath-At1g73750 , arath-AT1G73920 , arath-AT1G74640 , arath-AT1G76140 , arath-AT1G78210 , arath-clh1 , arath-F1O17.3 , arath-F1O17.4 , arath-F1O17.5 , arath-F5I6.3 , arath-At1g52700 , arath-F6D8.27 , arath-F6D8.32 , arath-F9L1.44 , arath-F9P14.11 , arath-F12A4.4 , arath-MES11 , arath-F14G24.2 , arath-F14G24.3 , arath-F14I3.4 , arath-F14O10.2 , arath-F16N3.25 , arath-LCAT2 , arath-At1g34340 , arath-MES15 , arath-CXE6 , arath-ICML1 , arath-At1g72620 , arath-LCAT1 , arath-PLA12 , arath-PLA15 , arath-PLA17 , arath-Q8L7S1 , arath-At1g15070 , arath-SCP2 , arath-SCP4 , arath-SCP5 , arath-SCP18 , arath-SCP32 , arath-SCP44 , arath-SCP45 , arath-SCPL6 , arath-F4IE65 , arath-At1g30370 , arath-T6L1.8 , arath-T6L1.20 , arath-T14P4.6 , arath-MES14 , arath-SCP3 , arath-AXR4 , arath-At1g10040 , arath-ZW18 , arath-pae2 , arath-pae1 , arath-a0a1p8awg3

Title : Genome sequences of Chlamydia trachomatis MoPn and Chlamydia pneumoniae AR39 - Read_2000_Nucleic.Acids.Res_28_1397
Author(s) : Read TD , Brunham RC , Shen C , Gill SR , Heidelberg JF , White O , Hickey EK , Peterson J , Utterback T , Berry K , Bass S , Linher K , Weidman J , Khouri H , Craven B , Bowman C , Dodson R , Gwinn M , Nelson W , Deboy R , Kolonay J , McClarty G , Salzberg SL , Eisen J , Fraser CM
Ref : Nucleic Acids Research , 28 :1397 , 2000
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Read_2000_Nucleic.Acids.Res_28_1397
PubMedID: 10684935
Gene_locus related to this paper: chlmu-TC0345 , chlmu-TC0413 , chlmu-TC0426 , chlmu-TC0478 , chlpn-CPJ0152 , chlpn-CPJ0342 , chlpn-CPN0161 , chlpn-CPN0271 , chlpn-q9jrv1 , chlpn-q9js10 , chlpn-q9k1u7 , chlpn-q9z6x9

Title : Complete Genome Sequence of Treponema pallidum, the Syphilis Spirochete - Fraser_1998_Science_281_375
Author(s) : Fraser CM , Norris SJ , Weinstock GM , White O , Sutton GG , Dodson R , Gwinn M , Hickey EK , Clayton R , Ketchum KA , Sodergren E , Hardham JM , McLeod MP , Salzberg S , Peterson J , Khalak H , Richardson D , Howell JK , Chidambaram M , Utterback T , McDonald L , Artiach P , Bowman C , Cotton MD , Fujii C , Garland S , Hatch B , Horst K , Roberts K , Sandusky M , Weidman J , Smith HO , Venter JC
Ref : Science , 281 :375 , 1998
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Fraser_1998_Science_281_375
PubMedID: 9665876
Gene_locus related to this paper: trepa-naptd , trepa-TP0902 , trepa-TP0952

Title : Genomic sequence of a Lyme disease spirochaete, Borrelia burgdorferi - Fraser_1997_Nature_390_580
Author(s) : Fraser CM , Casjens S , Huang WM , Sutton GG , Clayton R , Lathigra R , White O , Ketchum KA , Dodson R , Hickey EK , Gwinn M , Dougherty B , Tomb JF , Fleischmann RD , Richardson D , Peterson J , Kerlavage AR , Quackenbush J , Salzberg S , Hanson M , van Vugt R , Palmer N , Adams MD , Gocayne J , Weidman J , Utterback T , Watthey L , McDonald L , Artiach P , Bowman C , Garland S , Fujii C , Cotton MD , Horst K , Roberts K , Hatch B , Smith HO , Venter JC
Ref : Nature , 390 :580 , 1997
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Fraser_1997_Nature_390_580
PubMedID: 9403685
Gene_locus related to this paper: borbu-BB0646

Title : Human lipoprotein lipase. Analysis of the catalytic triad by site-directed mutagenesis of Ser-132, Asp-156, and His-241 - Emmerich_1992_J.Biol.Chem_267_4161
Author(s) : Emmerich J , Beg OU , Peterson J , Previato L , Brunzell JD , Brewer HB, Jr. , Santamarina-Fojo S
Ref : Journal of Biological Chemistry , 267 :4161 , 1992
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Emmerich_1992_J.Biol.Chem_267_4161
PubMedID: 1371284
Gene_locus related to this paper: human-LPL

Title : Amino acid substitution (Ile194----Thr) in exon 5 of the lipoprotein lipase gene causes lipoprotein lipase deficiency in three unrelated probands. Support for a multicentric origin - Henderson_1991_J.Clin.Invest_87_2005
Author(s) : Henderson HE , Ma Y , Hassan MF , Monsalve MV , Marais AD , Winkler F , Gubernator K , Peterson J , Brunzell JD , Hayden MR
Ref : J Clinical Investigation , 87 :2005 , 1991
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Henderson_1991_J.Clin.Invest_87_2005
PubMedID: 1674945
Gene_locus related to this paper: human-LPL

Title : Frameshift mutation in exon 3 of the lipoprotein lipase gene causes a premature stop codon and lipoprotein lipase deficiency - Henderson_1990_Mol.Biol.Med_7_511
Author(s) : Henderson HE , Devlin R , Peterson J , Brunzell JD , Hayden MR
Ref : Mol Biol Med , 7 :511 , 1990
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Henderson_1990_Mol.Biol.Med_7_511
PubMedID: 2077351
Gene_locus related to this paper: human-LPL

Title : Mouse preheparin plasma contains high levels of hepatic lipase with low affinity for heparin - Peterson_1986_Biochim.Biophys.Acta_878_65
Author(s) : Peterson J , Bengtsson-Olivecrona G , Olivecrona T
Ref : Biochimica & Biophysica Acta , 878 :65 , 1986
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Peterson_1986_Biochim.Biophys.Acta_878_65
PubMedID: 3730415