Title : Altered Cortical Dynamics and Cognitive Function upon Haploinsufficiency of the Autism-Linked Excitatory Synaptic Suppressor MDGA2 - Connor_2016_Neuron_91_1052 |
Author(s) : Connor SA , Ammendrup-Johnsen I , Chan AW , Kishimoto Y , Murayama C , Kurihara N , Tada A , Ge Y , Lu H , Yan R , LeDue JM , Matsumoto H , Kiyonari H , Kirino Y , Matsuzaki F , Suzuki T , Murphy TH , Wang YT , Yamamoto T , Craig AM |
Ref : Neuron , 91 :1052 , 2016 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Connor_2016_Neuron_91_1052 |
PubMedID: 27608760 |
Title : IgSF molecule MDGA1 is involved in radial migration and positioning of a subset of cortical upper-layer neurons - Ishikawa_2011_Dev.Dyn_240_96 |
Author(s) : Ishikawa T , Gotoh N , Murayama C , Abe T , Iwashita M , Matsuzaki F , Suzuki T , Yamamoto T |
Ref : Developmental Dynamics , 240 :96 , 2011 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Ishikawa_2011_Dev.Dyn_240_96 |
PubMedID: 21104742 |
Title : MDGA1, an IgSF molecule containing a MAM domain, heterophilically associates with axon- and muscle-associated binding partners through distinct structural domains - Fujimura_2006_Brain.Res_1101_12 |
Author(s) : Fujimura Y , Iwashita M , Matsuzaki F , Yamamoto T |
Ref : Brain Research , 1101 :12 , 2006 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Fujimura_2006_Brain.Res_1101_12 |
PubMedID: 16782075 |