Meshorer E


Full name : Meshorer Eran

First name : Eran

Mail : Department of Genetics, The Alexander Silberman Institute of Life Sciences, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem 91904

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Country : Israel

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References (9)

Title : Stress-induced epigenetic transcriptional memory of acetylcholinesterase by HDAC4 - Sailaja_2012_Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.U.S.A_109_E3687
Author(s) : Sailaja BS , Cohen-Carmon D , Zimmerman G , Soreq H , Meshorer E
Ref : Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A , 109 :E3687 , 2012
Abstract :
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PubMedID: 23236169

Title : Virtues and woes of AChE alternative splicing in stress-related neuropathologies - Meshorer_2006_Trends.Neurosci_29_216
Author(s) : Meshorer E , Soreq H
Ref : Trends in Neurosciences , 29 :216 , 2006
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Title : SC35 promotes sustainable stress-induced alternative splicing of neuronal acetylcholinesterase mRNA - Meshorer_2005_Mol.Psychiatry_10_985
Author(s) : Meshorer E , Bryk B , Toiber D , Cohen J , Podoly E , Dori A , Soreq H
Ref : Mol Psychiatry , 10 :985 , 2005
Abstract :
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PubMedID: 16116489

Title : Chronic cholinergic imbalances promote brain diffusion and transport abnormalities - Meshorer_2005_Faseb.J_19_910
Author(s) : Meshorer E , Biton IE , Ben-Shaul Y , Ben-Ari S , Assaf Y , Soreq H , Cohen Y
Ref : FASEB Journal , 19 :910 , 2005
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PubMedID: 15923401

Title : Muscarinic modulations of neuronal anticholinesterase responses - Salmon_2005_Chem.Biol.Interact_157-158_105
Author(s) : Salmon A , Erb C , Meshorer E , Ginzberg D , Adani Y , Rabinovitz I , Amitai G , Soreq H
Ref : Chemico-Biological Interactions , 157-158 :105 , 2005
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Title : The molecular neurobiology of acetylcholinesterase variants. -
Author(s) : Meshorer E , Cohen O , Yirmya R , Ginzberg D , Glick D
Ref : Cholinergic Mechanisms, CRC Press :119 , 2004

Title : Combinatorial complexity of 5' alternative acetylcholinesterase transcripts and protein products - Meshorer_2004_J.Biol.Chem_279_29740
Author(s) : Meshorer E , Toiber D , Zurel D , Sahly I , Dori A , Cagnano E , Schreiber L , Grisaru D , Tronche F , Soreq H
Ref : Journal of Biological Chemistry , 279 :29740 , 2004
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PubMedSearch : Meshorer_2004_J.Biol.Chem_279_29740
PubMedID: 15123727

Title : Alternative splicing and neuritic mRNA translocation under long-term neuronal hypersensitivity - Meshorer_2002_Science_295_508
Author(s) : Meshorer E , Erb C , Gazit R , Pavlovsky L , Kaufer D , Friedman A , Glick D , Ben-Arie N , Soreq H
Ref : Science , 295 :508 , 2002
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Title : Synaptogenesis and myopathy under acetylcholinesterase overexpression - Lev-Lehman_2000_J.Mol.Neurosci_14_93
Author(s) : Lev-Lehman E , Evron T , Broide RS , Meshorer E , Ariel I , Seidman S , Soreq H
Ref : Journal of Molecular Neuroscience , 14 :93 , 2000
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Lev-Lehman_2000_J.Mol.Neurosci_14_93
PubMedID: 10854041