Title : Directed evolution by in vitro compartmentalization - |
Author(s) : Miller OJ , Bernath K , Agresti JJ , Amitai G , Kelly BT , Mastrobattista E , Taly V , Magdassi S , Tawfik DS , Griffiths AD |
Ref : Nat Methods , 3 :561 , 2006 |
PubMedID: 16791215 |
Title : The human loci DNF15S2 and D3S94 have a high degree of sequence similarity to acyl-peptide hydrolase and are located at 3p21.3 - Ginzinger_1992_Am.J.Hum.Genet_50_826 |
Author(s) : Ginzinger DG , Shridhar V , Baldini A , Taggart RT , Miller OJ , Smith DI |
Ref : American Journal of Human Genetics , 50 :826 , 1992 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Ginzinger_1992_Am.J.Hum.Genet_50_826 |
PubMedID: 1550126 |