Nishiko R

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PubMedSearch : Sakai_2011_PLoS.One_6_e22898
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Title : Whole-genome analysis of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium T000240 reveals the acquisition of a genomic island involved in multidrug resistance via IS1 derivatives on the chromosome - Izumiya_2011_Antimicrob.Agents.Chemother_55_623
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Gene_locus related to this paper: salty-ycfp

Title : Sequence analysis of three plasmids harboured in Rhodococcus erythropolis strain PR4 - Sekine_2006_Environ.Microbiol_8_334
Author(s) : Sekine M , Tanikawa S , Omata S , Saito M , Fujisawa T , Tsukatani N , Tajima T , Sekigawa T , Kosugi H , Matsuo Y , Nishiko R , Imamura K , Ito M , Narita H , Tago S , Fujita N , Harayama S
Ref : Environ Microbiol , 8 :334 , 2006
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Sekine_2006_Environ.Microbiol_8_334
PubMedID: 16423019
Gene_locus related to this paper: rhosp-AHY95170 , rhoe4-c0zm41 , rhoe4-c0zny8 , rhoe4-c0zp51 , rhoe4-c0zp80 , rhoe4-c0zpm5 , rhoe4-c0zq56 , rhoe4-c0zq93 , rhoe4-c0zri5 , rhoe4-c0zse4 , rhoe4-c0ztk5 , rhoe4-c0ztv6 , rhoe4-c0ztz5 , rhoe4-c0zw14 , rhoe4-c0zyp1 , rhoe4-c1a1s7 , rhoe4-c1a149 , rhoe4-c1a168 , rhoe4-q3l9i4 , rhoe4-q3l9v3 , rhoe4-q3l9y4 , rhoe4-q3l922 , rhoe4-q3la05 , rhoer-c3jd87 , rhoer-c3jdh1 , rhoer-c3jfg3 , rhoer-c3jfu1 , rhoer-c3jfv6 , rhoer-c3jfw7 , rhoer-c3jg26 , rhoer-c3jgc0 , rhoer-c3jgr8 , rhoer-c3ji24 , rhoer-c3jif3 , rhoer-c3jif5 , rhoer-c3jif6 , rhoer-c3jiw5 , rhoer-c3jl72 , rhoer-c3jle6 , rhoer-c3jmu4 , rhoer-c3jqd8 , rhoer-c3jqd9 , rhoer-c3jqg3 , rhoer-c3jqn9 , rhoer-c3jqs1 , rhoer-c3jr01 , rhoer-c3jrb8 , rhoer-c3jt01 , rhoer-c3jtx3 , rhoer-c3jtx4 , rhoer-c3jvx6 , rhoer-c3jwe1 , rhoer-c3jwn8 , rhosp-bphD2 , rhoe4-c0zua7