Title : Genome sequence of a mesophilic hydrogenotrophic methanogen Methanocella paludicola, the first cultivated representative of the order Methanocellales - Sakai_2011_PLoS.One_6_e22898 |
Author(s) : Sakai S , Takaki Y , Shimamura S , Sekine M , Tajima T , Kosugi H , Ichikawa N , Tasumi E , Hiraki AT , Shimizu A , Kato Y , Nishiko R , Mori K , Fujita N , Imachi H , Takai K |
Ref : PLoS ONE , 6 :e22898 , 2011 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Sakai_2011_PLoS.One_6_e22898 |
PubMedID: 21829548 |
Title : Reconstruction and regulation of the central catabolic pathway in the thermophilic propionate-oxidizing syntroph Pelotomaculum thermopropionicum - Kosaka_2006_J.Bacteriol_188_202 |
Author(s) : Kosaka T , Uchiyama T , Ishii S , Enoki M , Imachi H , Kamagata Y , Ohashi A , Harada H , Ikenaga H , Watanabe K |
Ref : Journal of Bacteriology , 188 :202 , 2006 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Kosaka_2006_J.Bacteriol_188_202 |
PubMedID: 16352836 |
Gene_locus related to this paper: pelts-a5czq3 |