Nzabonimpa GS

References (2)

Title : Pharmacometabolomics Informs About Pharmacokinetic Profile of Methylphenidate - Kaddurah-Daouk_2018_CPT.Pharmacometrics.Syst.Pharmacol_7_525
Author(s) : Kaddurah-Daouk R , Hankemeier T , Scholl EH , Baillie R , Harms A , Stage C , Dalhoff KP , Jurgens G , Taboureau O , Nzabonimpa GS , Motsinger-Reif AA , Thomsen R , Linnet K , Rasmussen HB
Ref : CPT Pharmacometrics Syst Pharmacol , 7 :525 , 2018
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Kaddurah-Daouk_2018_CPT.Pharmacometrics.Syst.Pharmacol_7_525
PubMedID: 30169917

Title : Investigating the impact of missense mutations in hCES1 by in silico structure-based approaches - Nzabonimpa_2016_Drug.Metab.Pers.Ther__
Author(s) : Nzabonimpa GS , Rasmussen HB , Brunak S , Taboureau O
Ref : Drug Metab Pers Ther , : , 2016
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Nzabonimpa_2016_Drug.Metab.Pers.Ther__
PubMedID: 26900165
Gene_locus related to this paper: human-CES1