Title : Nephrotic syndrome caused by immune-mediated acquired LCAT deficiency - Takahashi_2013_J.Am.Soc.Nephrol_24_1305 |
Author(s) : Takahashi S , Hiromura K , Tsukida M , Ohishi Y , Hamatani H , Sakurai N , Sakairi T , Ikeuchi H , Kaneko Y , Maeshima A , Kuroiwa T , Yokoo H , Aoki T , Nagata M , Nojima Y |
Ref : J Am Soc Nephrol , 24 :1305 , 2013 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Takahashi_2013_J.Am.Soc.Nephrol_24_1305 |
PubMedID: 23620397 |
Gene_locus related to this paper: human-LCAT |
Title : [Changes in liver function induced by flutamide in patients with prostate cancer (studies in patients treated with total androgen blockage)] - Ikemoto_2000_Nihon.Hinyokika.Gakkai.Zasshi_91_556 |
Author(s) : Ikemoto I , Ohishi Y , Yamazaki H , Wada T , Aizawa Y |
Ref : Nihon Hinyokika Gakkai Zasshi , 91 :556 , 2000 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Ikemoto_2000_Nihon.Hinyokika.Gakkai.Zasshi_91_556 |
PubMedID: 10897581 |