Title : Comparative genomics of Vibrio cholerae from Haiti, Asia, and Africa - Reimer_2011_Emerg.Infect.Dis_17_2113 |
Author(s) : Reimer AR , Van Domselaar G , Stroika S , Walker M , Kent H , Tarr C , Talkington D , Rowe L , Olsen-Rasmussen M , Frace M , Sammons S , Dahourou GA , Boncy J , Smith AM , Mabon P , Petkau A , Graham M , Gilmour MW , Gerner-Smidt P |
Ref : Emerg Infect Dis , 17 :2113 , 2011 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Reimer_2011_Emerg.Infect.Dis_17_2113 |
PubMedID: 22099115 |
Gene_locus related to this paper: vibch-VC1974 , vibch-y1892 |
Title : Virulence factors encoded by Legionella longbeachae identified on the basis of the genome sequence analysis of clinical isolate D-4968 - Kozak_2010_J.Bacteriol_192_1030 |
Author(s) : Kozak NA , Buss M , Lucas CE , Frace M , Govil D , Travis T , Olsen-Rasmussen M , Benson RF , Fields BS |
Ref : Journal of Bacteriology , 192 :1030 , 2010 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Kozak_2010_J.Bacteriol_192_1030 |
PubMedID: 20008069 |
Gene_locus related to this paper: legln-d3hk89 , legln-d3hkd5 , legln-d3hkd7 , legln-d3hld6 , legln-d3hqa1 , legln-d3ht65 , leglo-d1rd29 , leglo-d1re65 , leglo-d1rgc9 , legln-d3hr23 , leglo-d1rin5 , legln-d3hq45 |
Title : Comparative genetic analysis of genomic DNA sequences of two human isolates of Tanapox virus - Nazarian_2007_Virus.Res_129_11 |
Author(s) : Nazarian SH , Barrett JW , Frace AM , Olsen-Rasmussen M , Khristova M , Shaban M , Neering S , Li Y , Damon IK , Esposito JJ , Essani K , McFadden G |
Ref : Virus Res , 129 :11 , 2007 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Nazarian_2007_Virus.Res_129_11 |
PubMedID: 17574698 |
Title : Genomic differences of Vaccinia virus clones from Dryvax smallpox vaccine: the Dryvax-like ACAM2000 and the mouse neurovirulent Clone-3 - Osborne_2007_Vaccine_25_8807 |
Author(s) : Osborne JD , Da Silva M , Frace AM , Sammons SA , Olsen-Rasmussen M , Upton C , Buller RM , Chen N , Feng Z , Roper RL , Liu J , Pougatcheva S , Chen W , Wohlhueter RM , Esposito JJ |
Ref : Vaccine , 25 :8807 , 2007 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Osborne_2007_Vaccine_25_8807 |
PubMedID: 18037545 |
Gene_locus related to this paper: cowvi-M5L |
Title : Genome sequence diversity and clues to the evolution of variola (smallpox) virus - Esposito_2006_Science_313_807 |
Author(s) : Esposito JJ , Sammons SA , Frace AM , Osborne JD , Olsen-Rasmussen M , Zhang M , Govil D , Damon IK , Kline R , Laker M , Li Y , Smith GL , Meyer H , Leduc JW , Wohlhueter RM |
Ref : Science , 313 :807 , 2006 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Esposito_2006_Science_313_807 |
PubMedID: 16873609 |
Gene_locus related to this paper: cowvi-M5L |
Title : A tale of two clades: monkeypox viruses - Likos_2005_J.Gen.Virol_86_2661 |
Author(s) : Likos AM , Sammons SA , Olson VA , Frace AM , Li Y , Olsen-Rasmussen M , Davidson W , Galloway R , Khristova ML , Reynolds MG , Zhao H , Carroll DS , Curns A , Formenty P , Esposito JJ , Regnery RL , Damon IK |
Ref : Journal of General Virology , 86 :2661 , 2005 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Likos_2005_J.Gen.Virol_86_2661 |
PubMedID: 16186219 |
Gene_locus related to this paper: cowvi-M5L |