Ouyang W

References (2)

Title : Comprehensive in-silico analysis of deleterious SNPs in APOC2 and APOA5 and their differential expression in cancer and cardiovascular diseases conditions - Deng_2023_Genomics_115_110567
Author(s) : Deng H , Li J , Shah AA , Ge L , Ouyang W
Ref : Genomics , 115 :110567 , 2023
Abstract :
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PubMedID: 36690263

Title : Protective effects of kinetin against aluminum chloride and D-galactose induced cognitive impairment and oxidative damage in mouse - Wei_2017_Brain.Res.Bull_134_262
Author(s) : Wei Y , Liu D , Zheng Y , Li H , Hao C , Ouyang W
Ref : Brain Research Bulletin , 134 :262 , 2017
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Wei_2017_Brain.Res.Bull_134_262
PubMedID: 28867383