Ouyang X

References (5)

Title : Integrated transcriptomics and metabolomics analyses reveal the aerobic biodegradation and molecular mechanisms of 2,3',4,4',5-pentachlorodiphenyl (PCB 118) in Methylorubrum sp. ZY-1 - Wu_2024_Chemosphere__141921
Author(s) : Wu Y , Zhu M , Ouyang X , Qi X , Guo Z , Yuan Y , Dang Z , Yin H
Ref : Chemosphere , :141921 , 2024
Abstract :
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PubMedID: 38588902
Gene_locus related to this paper: meted-c7c8u4 , meted-c7cge7 , meted-c7ci36

Title : Novel Feruloyl Esterase for the Degradation of Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) Screened from the Gut Microbiome of Plastic-Degrading Mealworms (Tenebrio Molitor Larvae) - Mamtimin_2024_Environ.Sci.Technol__
Author(s) : Mamtimin T , Ouyang X , Wu WM , Zhou T , Hou X , Khan A , Liu P , Zhao YL , Tang H , Criddle CS , Han H , Li X
Ref : Environ Sci Technol , : , 2024
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Mamtimin_2024_Environ.Sci.Technol__
PubMedID: 39315846

Title : Development and validation of a novel score for fibrosis staging in patients with chronic hepatitis B - Wu_2018_Liver.Int_38_1930
Author(s) : Wu D , Rao Q , Chen W , Ji F , Xie Z , Huang K , Chen E , Zhao Y , Ouyang X , Zhang S , Jiang Z , Zhang L , Xu L , Gao H , Li L
Ref : Liver Int , 38 :1930 , 2018
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Wu_2018_Liver.Int_38_1930
PubMedID: 29654711

Title : Rapid Screening of Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitors by Effect-Directed Analysis Using LC x LC Fractionation, a High Throughput in Vitro Assay, and Parallel Identification by Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry - Ouyang_2016_Anal.Chem_88_2353
Author(s) : Ouyang X , Leonards PE , Tousova Z , Slobodnik J , De Boer J , Lamoree MH
Ref : Analytical Chemistry , 88 :2353 , 2016
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Ouyang_2016_Anal.Chem_88_2353
PubMedID: 26754356

Title : [Influences of capsaicin and electroacupuncture at point on acetylcholine (ACh) release in the spinal dorsal horn of rats]. [Chinese] - Shi_1995_Chen.Tzu.Yen.Chiu_20_22
Author(s) : Shi J , Zhou J , Ouyang X , Zhong J , Guan X
Ref : Chen Tzu Yen Chiu Acupuncture Research , 20 :22 , 1995
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Shi_1995_Chen.Tzu.Yen.Chiu_20_22
PubMedID: 8706264