Pletikos M


Full name : Pletikos Mihovil

First name : Mihovil

Mail : Department for Developmental Neuroscience\; Croatian Institute for Brain Research\; School of Medicine\; University of Zagreb\; alata 12\; HR-10000 Zagreb

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Country : Croatia

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References (2)

Title : Temporal specification and bilaterality of human neocortical topographic gene expression - Pletikos_2014_Neuron_81_321
Author(s) : Pletikos M , Sousa AM , Sedmak G , Meyer KA , Zhu Y , Cheng F , Li M , Kawasawa YI , Sestan N
Ref : Neuron , 81 :321 , 2014
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Pletikos_2014_Neuron_81_321
PubMedID: 24373884

Title : Development of axonal pathways in the human fetal fronto-limbic brain: histochemical characterization and diffusion tensor imaging - Vasung_2010_J.Anat_217_400
Author(s) : Vasung L , Huang H , Jovanov-Milosevic N , Pletikos M , Mori S , Kostovic I
Ref : Journal of Anatomy , 217 :400 , 2010
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Vasung_2010_J.Anat_217_400
PubMedID: 20609031