Title : Early structural and metabolic cardiac remodelling in response to inducible adipose triglyceride lipase ablation - Kienesberger_2013_Cardiovasc.Res_99_442 |
Author(s) : Kienesberger PC , Pulinilkunnil T , Nagendran J , Young ME , Bogner-Strauss JG , Hackl H , Khadour R , Heydari E , Haemmerle G , Zechner R , Kershaw EE , Dyck JR |
Ref : Cardiovascular Research , 99 :442 , 2013 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Kienesberger_2013_Cardiovasc.Res_99_442 |
PubMedID: 23708736 |
Title : Adipose triglyceride lipase deficiency causes tissue-specific changes in insulin signaling - Kienesberger_2009_J.Biol.Chem_284_30218 |
Author(s) : Kienesberger PC , Lee D , Pulinilkunnil T , Brenner DS , Cai L , Magnes C , Koefeler HC , Streith IE , Rechberger GN , Haemmerle G , Flier JS , Zechner R , Kim YB , Kershaw EE |
Ref : Journal of Biological Chemistry , 284 :30218 , 2009 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Kienesberger_2009_J.Biol.Chem_284_30218 |
PubMedID: 19723629 |
Title : Acute intralipid infusion reduces cardiac luminal lipoprotein lipase but recruits additional enzyme from cardiomyocytes - Qi_2006_Cardiovasc.Res_72_124 |
Author(s) : Qi D , Kuo KH , Abrahani A , An D , Qi Y , Heung J , Kewalramani G , Pulinilkunnil T , Ghosh S , Innis SM , Rodrigues B |
Ref : Cardiovascular Research , 72 :124 , 2006 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Qi_2006_Cardiovasc.Res_72_124 |
PubMedID: 16934788 |
Title : Cardiac lipoprotein lipase: metabolic basis for diabetic heart disease - Pulinilkunnil_2006_Cardiovasc.Res_69_329 |
Author(s) : Pulinilkunnil T , Rodrigues B |
Ref : Cardiovascular Research , 69 :329 , 2006 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Pulinilkunnil_2006_Cardiovasc.Res_69_329 |
PubMedID: 16307734 |
Title : Lysophosphatidic acid-mediated augmentation of cardiomyocyte lipoprotein lipase involves actin cytoskeleton reorganization - Pulinilkunnil_2005_Am.J.Physiol.Heart.Circ.Physiol_288_H2802 |
Author(s) : Pulinilkunnil T , An D , Ghosh S , Qi D , Kewalramani G , Yuen G , Virk N , Abrahani A , Rodrigues B |
Ref : American Journal of Physiology Heart Circ Physiol , 288 :H2802 , 2005 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Pulinilkunnil_2005_Am.J.Physiol.Heart.Circ.Physiol_288_H2802 |
PubMedID: 15681706 |
Title : Palmitoyl lysophosphatidylcholine mediated mobilization of LPL to the coronary luminal surface requires PKC activation - Pulinilkunnil_2004_J.Mol.Cell.Cardiol_37_931 |
Author(s) : Pulinilkunnil T , An D , Yip P , Chan N , Qi D , Ghosh S , Abrahani A , Rodrigues B |
Ref : Journal of Molecular & Cellular Cardiology , 37 :931 , 2004 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Pulinilkunnil_2004_J.Mol.Cell.Cardiol_37_931 |
PubMedID: 15522270 |
Title : Evidence for rapid metabolic switching through lipoprotein lipase occupation of endothelial-binding sites - Pulinilkunnil_2003_J.Mol.Cell.Cardiol_35_1093 |
Author(s) : Pulinilkunnil T , Abrahani A , Varghese J , Chan N , Tang I , Ghosh S , Kulpa J , Allard M , Brownsey R , Rodrigues B |
Ref : Journal of Molecular & Cellular Cardiology , 35 :1093 , 2003 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Pulinilkunnil_2003_J.Mol.Cell.Cardiol_35_1093 |
PubMedID: 12967632 |
Title : Circulating triglyceride lipolysis facilitates lipoprotein lipase translocation from cardiomyocyte to myocardial endothelial lining - Pulinilkunnil_2003_Cardiovasc.Res_59_788 |
Author(s) : Pulinilkunnil T , Qi D , Ghosh S , Cheung C , Yip P , Varghese J , Abrahani A , Brownsey R , Rodrigues B |
Ref : Cardiovascular Research , 59 :788 , 2003 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Pulinilkunnil_2003_Cardiovasc.Res_59_788 |
PubMedID: 14499880 |