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Title : Polyester degradation by soil bacteria: identification of conserved BHETase enzymes in Streptomyces - Verschoor_2024_Commun.Biol_7_725
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Ref : Commun Biol , 7 :725 , 2024
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Gene_locus related to this paper: strco-LIPA

Title : Utilization of ferulic acid in Aspergillus niger requires the transcription factor FarA and a newly identified Far-like protein (FarD) that lacks the canonical Zn(II)(2)Cys(6) domain - Arentshorst_2022_Front.Fungal.Biol_3_978845
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Ref : Front Fungal Biol , 3 :978845 , 2022
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PubMedSearch : Arentshorst_2022_Front.Fungal.Biol_3_978845
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Gene_locus related to this paper: aspng-faeb

Title : Loss of function of the carbon catabolite repressor CreA leads to low but inducer-independent expression from the feruloyl esterase B promoter in Aspergillus niger - Reijngoud_2021_Biotechnol.Lett__
Author(s) : Reijngoud J , Arentshorst M , Ruijmbeek C , Reid I , Alazi ED , Punt PJ , Tsang A , Ram AFJ
Ref : Biotechnol Lett , : , 2021
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PubMedSearch : Reijngoud_2021_Biotechnol.Lett__
PubMedID: 33738610