Sigurdsson S

References (4)

Title : Sequence variants in ARHGAP15, COLQ and FAM155A associate with diverticular disease and diverticulitis - Sigurdsson_2017_Nat.Commun_8_15789
Author(s) : Sigurdsson S , Alexandersson KF , Sulem P , Feenstra B , Gudmundsdottir S , Halldorsson GH , Olafsson S , Sigurdsson A , Rafnar T , Thorgeirsson T , Sorensen E , Nordholm-Carstensen A , Burcharth J , Andersen J , Jorgensen HS , Possfelt-Moller E , Ullum H , Thorleifsson G , Masson G , Thorsteinsdottir U , Melbye M , Gudbjartsson DF , Stefansson T , Jonsdottir I , Stefansson K
Ref : Nat Commun , 8 :15789 , 2017
Abstract :
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PubMedID: 28585551

Title : Effect of oral imperatorin on memory in mice - Sigurdsson_2013_Biochem.Biophys.Res.Commun_441_318
Author(s) : Sigurdsson S , Gudbjarnason S
Ref : Biochemical & Biophysical Research Communications , 441 :318 , 2013
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PubMedID: 24140410

Title : Genome sequence, comparative analysis, and population genetics of the domestic horse - Wade_2009_Science_326_865
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PubMedID: 19892987
Gene_locus related to this paper: horse-1plip , horse-2plrp , horse-ACHE , horse-BCHE , horse-f6pri5 , horse-f6qlk6 , horse-f6qsc5 , horse-f6r958 , horse-f6sfg0 , horse-f6uif6 , horse-f6un85 , horse-f6vxp7 , horse-f6wfs9 , horse-f6wzv8 , horse-f6x0i7 , horse-f6x5e5 , horse-f6zmg7 , horse-f7afw6 , horse-f7agv7 , horse-f7bj10 , horse-f7bk45 , horse-f7bvl6 , horse-f7c7a8 , horse-f7cdt1 , horse-f7cxj0 , horse-f6ut17 , horse-f6svq9 , horse-f6xgj6 , horse-f6s101 , horse-f6wfa7 , horse-f7cpx3 , horse-f7adj7 , horse-f6r609 , horse-f6y0j2 , horse-f6zvb2 , horse-f7e4g0 , horse-f6ti02 , horse-f6re01 , horse-f6xmp6 , horse-f6vts1 , horse-f6quf7 , horse-f6tn81 , horse-f7bm46 , horse-f6q1u3 , horse-f6zna7 , horse-f6q208 , horse-f7cuh0 , horse-f6tq73 , horse-f6xa70 , horse-f6qj19 , horse-f6wgf3 , horse-f7d8t6 , horse-f6ul42 , horse-f7am73 , horse-f7dme2 , horse-a0a9l0rdr2 , horse-f7bu03 , horse-a0a5f5pla1 , horse-a0a3q2lsr6 , horse-f6xs05 , horse-a0a3q2i0m7 , horse-f7bge3

Title : Inhibition of acetylcholinesterase by extracts and constituents from Angelica archangelica and Geranium sylvaticum - Sigurdsson_2007_Z.Naturforsch.C_62_689
Author(s) : Sigurdsson S , Gudbjarnason S
Ref : Z Naturforsch C , 62 :689 , 2007
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Sigurdsson_2007_Z.Naturforsch.C_62_689
PubMedID: 18069242