Lander ES

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Title : Association of Rare and Common Variation in the Lipoprotein Lipase Gene With Coronary Artery Disease - Khera_2017_JAMA_317_937
Author(s) : Khera AV , Won HH , Peloso GM , O'Dushlaine C , Liu D , Stitziel NO , Natarajan P , Nomura A , Emdin CA , Gupta N , Borecki IB , Asselta R , Duga S , Merlini PA , Correa A , Kessler T , Wilson JG , Bown MJ , Hall AS , Braund PS , Carey DJ , Murray MF , Kirchner HL , Leader JB , Lavage DR , Manus JN , Hartzel DN , Samani NJ , Schunkert H , Marrugat J , Elosua R , McPherson R , Farrall M , Watkins H , Lander ES , Rader DJ , Danesh J , Ardissino D , Gabriel S , Willer C , Abecasis GR , Saleheen D , Dewey FE , Kathiresan S
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Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Khera_2017_JAMA_317_937
PubMedID: 28267856
Gene_locus related to this paper: human-LPL

Title : The genomic substrate for adaptive radiation in African cichlid fish - Brawand_2014_Nature_513_375
Author(s) : Brawand D , Wagner CE , Li YI , Malinsky M , Keller I , Fan S , Simakov O , Ng AY , Lim ZW , Bezault E , Turner-Maier J , Johnson J , Alcazar R , Noh HJ , Russell P , Aken B , Alfoldi J , Amemiya C , Azzouzi N , Baroiller JF , Barloy-Hubler F , Berlin A , Bloomquist R , Carleton KL , Conte MA , D'Cotta H , Eshel O , Gaffney L , Galibert F , Gante HF , Gnerre S , Greuter L , Guyon R , Haddad NS , Haerty W , Harris RM , Hofmann HA , Hourlier T , Hulata G , Jaffe DB , Lara M , Lee AP , MacCallum I , Mwaiko S , Nikaido M , Nishihara H , Ozouf-Costaz C , Penman DJ , Przybylski D , Rakotomanga M , Renn SC , Ribeiro FJ , Ron M , Salzburger W , Sanchez-Pulido L , Santos ME , Searle S , Sharpe T , Swofford R , Tan FJ , Williams L , Young S , Yin S , Okada N , Kocher TD , Miska EA , Lander ES , Venkatesh B , Fernald RD , Meyer A , Ponting CP , Streelman JT , Lindblad-Toh K , Seehausen O , Di Palma F
Ref : Nature , 513 :375 , 2014
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PubMedSearch : Brawand_2014_Nature_513_375
PubMedID: 25186727
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Title : Genomic epidemiology of the Escherichia coli O104:H4 outbreaks in Europe, 2011 - Grad_2012_Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.U.S.A_109_3065
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Ref : Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A , 109 :3065 , 2012
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Grad_2012_Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.U.S.A_109_3065
PubMedID: 22315421
Gene_locus related to this paper: ecoli-fes , ecoli-MCMK , ecoli-yaim , ecoli-ycfp , ecoli-YFBB , ecoli-yhet , ecoli-yiel , ecoli-yqia , ecoli-YfhR

Title : The genome of the green anole lizard and a comparative analysis with birds and mammals - Alfoldi_2011_Nature_477_587
Author(s) : Alfoldi J , Di Palma F , Grabherr M , Williams C , Kong L , Mauceli E , Russell P , Lowe CB , Glor RE , Jaffe JD , Ray DA , Boissinot S , Shedlock AM , Botka C , Castoe TA , Colbourne JK , Fujita MK , Moreno RG , ten Hallers BF , Haussler D , Heger A , Heiman D , Janes DE , Johnson J , de Jong PJ , Koriabine MY , Lara M , Novick PA , Organ CL , Peach SE , Poe S , Pollock DD , de Queiroz K , Sanger T , Searle S , Smith JD , Smith Z , Swofford R , Turner-Maier J , Wade J , Young S , Zadissa A , Edwards SV , Glenn TC , Schneider CJ , Losos JB , Lander ES , Breen M , Ponting CP , Lindblad-Toh K
Ref : Nature , 477 :587 , 2011
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Alfoldi_2011_Nature_477_587
PubMedID: 21881562
Gene_locus related to this paper: anoca-h9g670 , anoca-h9g675 , anoca-h9g680 , anoca-h9gbf2 , anoca-h9gl37 , anoca-h9gq07 , anoca-h9gqa2 , anoca-h9gqv4 , anoca-h9gr08 , anoca-h9glr3 , anoca-h9gfq0 , anoca-h9gfy1 , anoca-h9g7n4 , anoca-h9gpa2 , anoca-h9g3p8

Title : A high-resolution map of human evolutionary constraint using 29 mammals - Lindblad-Toh_2011_Nature_478_476
Author(s) : Lindblad-Toh K , Garber M , Zuk O , Lin MF , Parker BJ , Washietl S , Kheradpour P , Ernst J , Jordan G , Mauceli E , Ward LD , Lowe CB , Holloway AK , Clamp M , Gnerre S , Alfoldi J , Beal K , Chang J , Clawson H , Cuff J , Di Palma F , Fitzgerald S , Flicek P , Guttman M , Hubisz MJ , Jaffe DB , Jungreis I , Kent WJ , Kostka D , Lara M , Martins AL , Massingham T , Moltke I , Raney BJ , Rasmussen MD , Robinson J , Stark A , Vilella AJ , Wen J , Xie X , Zody MC , Baldwin J , Bloom T , Chin CW , Heiman D , Nicol R , Nusbaum C , Young S , Wilkinson J , Worley KC , Kovar CL , Muzny DM , Gibbs RA , Cree A , Dihn HH , Fowler G , Jhangiani S , Joshi V , Lee S , Lewis LR , Nazareth LV , Okwuonu G , Santibanez J , Warren WC , Mardis ER , Weinstock GM , Wilson RK , Delehaunty K , Dooling D , Fronik C , Fulton L , Fulton B , Graves T , Minx P , Sodergren E , Birney E , Margulies EH , Herrero J , Green ED , Haussler D , Siepel A , Goldman N , Pollard KS , Pedersen JS , Lander ES , Kellis M
Ref : Nature , 478 :476 , 2011
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Lindblad-Toh_2011_Nature_478_476
PubMedID: 21993624
Gene_locus related to this paper: cavpo-1plip , cavpo-2plrp , cavpo-h0v1b7 , cavpo-h0v5v8 , cavpo-h0vj36 , cavpo-lipli , rabit-1hlip , rabit-1plip , rabit-g1t6x7 , rabit-LIPH , myolu-l7n1c2 , myolu-g1pqd9 , cavpo-h0uyz6 , cavpo-h0vi56 , rabit-g1tbj4 , myolu-g1p5c0 , rabit-g1sds3 , rabit-g1sye0 , cavpo-h0v0r2 , cavpo-h0v7s5 , rabit-g1sp43 , myolu-g1p4p3 , cavpo-h0vw09 , rabit-g1ssu3 , myolu-g1pds0 , rabit-g1sic4 , cavpo-h0v2c4 , myolu-g1pg61 , myolu-g1pnb1 , myolu-g1pu06 , myolu-g1qa15 , myolu-g1qfu0 , rabit-g1sn99 , rabit-g1snq9 , rabit-g1sns7 , rabit-g1tuu8 , rabit-g1tzq7 , cavpo-h0v2i2 , cavpo-h0v2j0 , cavpo-h0vsf5 , cavpo-a0a286x8d3 , cavpo-a0a286xbr3 , cavpo-a0a286y0i8 , cavpo-a0a286y4p3 , myolu-g1q2n9 , cavpo-h0v1p4 , myolu-g1pan8 , myolu-g1paq0 , myolu-g1par4 , myolu-g1prn3 , myolu-g1q3i0 , myolu-g1q463 , myolu-g1pat6 , myolu-g1q859 , rabit-g1sul9 , rabit-g1sun0 , rabit-g1sup0 , myolu-l7n125 , myolu-g1pan2 , rabit-g1sxd0 , cavpo-h0v8j4 , rabit-d5fit0 , rabit-g1tkr5 , myolu-g1nty6 , myolu-g1p1p3 , cavpo-h0vdd5 , myolu-g1pdp2 , rabit-g1tmm5 , cavpo-h0vhq3 , myolu-g1nth4 , cavpo-h0vqx6 , rabit-g1tqr7 , myolu-g1p1e9 , cavpo-h0v8y6 , rabit-g1skt3 , myolu-g1nzg3 , cavpo-h0v5z0 , rabit-g1sgz5 , myolu-g1pkg5 , rabit-g1tmw5 , rabit-g1t134 , cavpo-a0a286x9v5 , myolu-g1qc57 , myolu-g1q061 , rabit-g1tnp4 , rabit-g1tyf7 , cavpo-h0w2w1 , rabit-g1ta36 , cavpo-h0w342 , myolu-g1q4e3 , rabit-g1sqa1 , cavpo-h0uxk7 , myolu-g1p353 , cavpo-h0vpm0 , rabit-a0a5f9cru6 , cavpo-a0a286xtc0 , myolu-g1nt22 , rabit-g1smi0 , cavpo-h0vin2 , myolu-g1q6b4 , rabit-g1tsd3 , cavpo-h0vg80 , cavpo-h0uy83

Title : Genome sequence, comparative analysis, and population genetics of the domestic horse - Wade_2009_Science_326_865
Author(s) : Wade CM , Giulotto E , Sigurdsson S , Zoli M , Gnerre S , Imsland F , Lear TL , Adelson DL , Bailey E , Bellone RR , Blocker H , Distl O , Edgar RC , Garber M , Leeb T , Mauceli E , MacLeod JN , Penedo MC , Raison JM , Sharpe T , Vogel J , Andersson L , Antczak DF , Biagi T , Binns MM , Chowdhary BP , Coleman SJ , Della Valle G , Fryc S , Guerin G , Hasegawa T , Hill EW , Jurka J , Kiialainen A , Lindgren G , Liu J , Magnani E , Mickelson JR , Murray J , Nergadze SG , Onofrio R , Pedroni S , Piras MF , Raudsepp T , Rocchi M , Roed KH , Ryder OA , Searle S , Skow L , Swinburne JE , Syvanen AC , Tozaki T , Valberg SJ , Vaudin M , White JR , Zody MC , Lander ES , Lindblad-Toh K
Ref : Science , 326 :865 , 2009
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Wade_2009_Science_326_865
PubMedID: 19892987
Gene_locus related to this paper: horse-1plip , horse-2plrp , horse-ACHE , horse-BCHE , horse-f6pri5 , horse-f6qlk6 , horse-f6qsc5 , horse-f6r958 , horse-f6sfg0 , horse-f6uif6 , horse-f6un85 , horse-f6vxp7 , horse-f6wfs9 , horse-f6wzv8 , horse-f6x0i7 , horse-f6x5e5 , horse-f6zmg7 , horse-f7afw6 , horse-f7agv7 , horse-f7bj10 , horse-f7bk45 , horse-f7bvl6 , horse-f7c7a8 , horse-f7cdt1 , horse-f7cxj0 , horse-f6ut17 , horse-f6svq9 , horse-f6xgj6 , horse-f6s101 , horse-f6wfa7 , horse-f7cpx3 , horse-f7adj7 , horse-f6r609 , horse-f6y0j2 , horse-f6zvb2 , horse-f7e4g0 , horse-f6ti02 , horse-f6re01 , horse-f6xmp6 , horse-f6vts1 , horse-f6quf7 , horse-f6tn81 , horse-f7bm46 , horse-f6q1u3 , horse-f6zna7 , horse-f6q208 , horse-f7cuh0 , horse-f6tq73 , horse-f6xa70 , horse-f6qj19 , horse-f6wgf3 , horse-f7d8t6 , horse-f6ul42 , horse-f7am73 , horse-f7dme2 , horse-a0a9l0rdr2 , horse-f7bu03 , horse-a0a5f5pla1

Title : cDNA sequences for transcription factors and signaling proteins of the hemichordate Saccoglossus kowalevskii: efficacy of the expressed sequence tag (EST) approach for evolutionary and developmental studies of a new organism - Freeman_2008_Biological.Bulletin_214_284
Author(s) : Freeman RM, Jr. , Wu M , Cordonnier-Pratt MM , Pratt LH , Gruber CE , Smith M , Lander ES , Stange-Thomann N , Lowe CJ , Gerhart J , Kirschner M
Ref : Biol Bull , 214 :284 , 2008
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Freeman_2008_Biological.Bulletin_214_284
PubMedID: 18574105
Gene_locus related to this paper: sacko-a0a1l7h7f0 , sacko-a0a1l7h7f2

Title : Genome of the marsupial Monodelphis domestica reveals innovation in non-coding sequences - Mikkelsen_2007_Nature_447_167
Author(s) : Mikkelsen TS , Wakefield MJ , Aken B , Amemiya CT , Chang JL , Duke S , Garber M , Gentles AJ , Goodstadt L , Heger A , Jurka J , Kamal M , Mauceli E , Searle SM , Sharpe T , Baker ML , Batzer MA , Benos PV , Belov K , Clamp M , Cook A , Cuff J , Das R , Davidow L , Deakin JE , Fazzari MJ , Glass JL , Grabherr M , Greally JM , Gu W , Hore TA , Huttley GA , Kleber M , Jirtle RL , Koina E , Lee JT , Mahony S , Marra MA , Miller RD , Nicholls RD , Oda M , Papenfuss AT , Parra ZE , Pollock DD , Ray DA , Schein JE , Speed TP , Thompson K , Vandeberg JL , Wade CM , Walker JA , Waters PD , Webber C , Weidman JR , Xie X , Zody MC , Graves JA , Ponting CP , Breen M , Samollow PB , Lander ES , Lindblad-Toh K
Ref : Nature , 447 :167 , 2007
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Mikkelsen_2007_Nature_447_167
PubMedID: 17495919
Gene_locus related to this paper: mondo-ACHE , mondo-b2bsf5 , mondo-b2bsz5 , mondo-BCHE , mondo-d2x2i6 , mondo-d2x2i8 , mondo-f6slk2 , mondo-f6wu00 , mondo-f6wuf2 , mondo-f6xfj4 , mondo-f6yt13 , mondo-f7c7p0 , mondo-f7ckd0 , mondo-f7cvq8 , mondo-f7cvr5 , mondo-f7eil6 , mondo-f7ez13 , mondo-f7f0i7 , mondo-f7fg16 , mondo-f7gcv7 , mondo-f7gep4 , mondo-f7gly2 , mondo-f6u7q2 , mondo-f7fw54 , mondo-f7dpf6 , mondo-f6pgj5 , mondo-f6yg68 , mondo-f7g8u4 , mondo-f7eyv1 , mondo-f6pq73 , mondo-f7cre0 , mondo-f7fdj0 , mondo-f7fdj5 , mondo-f7ft63 , mondo-f7ge99 , mondo-f7gea2 , mondo-f6pxq2 , mondo-f7awc1 , mondo-f7c412 , mondo-f7ev24 , mondo-f7b6s6 , mondo-f6vcx0 , mondo-f7g148 , mondo-f6tlv9 , mondo-f6tdm5 , mondo-f7f3w0 , mondo-f7fg39 , mondo-f7d6c2 , mondo-f6sdn0 , mondo-f7gi08 , mondo-f6xss6 , mondo-f6sa37 , mondo-f7gd97 , mondo-f6z6x9 , mondo-f6x4k4 , mondo-f7gkk4

Title : DNA sequence and analysis of human chromosome 8 - Nusbaum_2006_Nature_439_331
Author(s) : Nusbaum C , Mikkelsen TS , Zody MC , Asakawa S , Taudien S , Garber M , Kodira CD , Schueler MG , Shimizu A , Whittaker CA , Chang JL , Cuomo CA , Dewar K , Fitzgerald MG , Yang X , Allen NR , Anderson S , Asakawa T , Blechschmidt K , Bloom T , Borowsky ML , Butler J , Cook A , Corum B , DeArellano K , Decaprio D , Dooley KT , Dorris L, 3rd , Engels R , Glockner G , Hafez N , Hagopian DS , Hall JL , Ishikawa SK , Jaffe DB , Kamat A , Kudoh J , Lehmann R , Lokitsang T , Macdonald P , Major JE , Matthews CD , Mauceli E , Menzel U , Mihalev AH , Minoshima S , Murayama Y , Naylor JW , Nicol R , Nguyen C , O'Leary SB , O'Neill K , Parker SC , Polley A , Raymond CK , Reichwald K , Rodriguez J , Sasaki T , Schilhabel M , Siddiqui R , Smith CL , Sneddon TP , Talamas JA , Tenzin P , Topham K , Venkataraman V , Wen G , Yamazaki S , Young SK , Zeng Q , Zimmer AR , Rosenthal A , Birren BW , Platzer M , Shimizu N , Lander ES
Ref : Nature , 439 :331 , 2006
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Nusbaum_2006_Nature_439_331
PubMedID: 16421571
Gene_locus related to this paper: human-TG

Title : Analysis of the DNA sequence and duplication history of human chromosome 15 - Zody_2006_Nature_440_671
Author(s) : Zody MC , Garber M , Sharpe T , Young SK , Rowen L , O'Neill K , Whittaker CA , Kamal M , Chang JL , Cuomo CA , Dewar K , Fitzgerald MG , Kodira CD , Madan A , Qin S , Yang X , Abbasi N , Abouelleil A , Arachchi HM , Baradarani L , Birditt B , Bloom S , Bloom T , Borowsky ML , Burke J , Butler J , Cook A , DeArellano K , Decaprio D , Dorris L, 3rd , Dors M , Eichler EE , Engels R , Fahey J , Fleetwood P , Friedman C , Gearin G , Hall JL , Hensley G , Johnson E , Jones C , Kamat A , Kaur A , Locke DP , Munson G , Jaffe DB , Lui A , Macdonald P , Mauceli E , Naylor JW , Nesbitt R , Nicol R , O'Leary SB , Ratcliffe A , Rounsley S , She X , Sneddon KM , Stewart S , Sougnez C , Stone SM , Topham K , Vincent D , Wang S , Zimmer AR , Birren BW , Hood L , Lander ES , Nusbaum C
Ref : Nature , 440 :671 , 2006
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Zody_2006_Nature_440_671
PubMedID: 16572171
Gene_locus related to this paper: human-DPP8 , human-LIPC , human-SPG21

Title : Human chromosome 11 DNA sequence and analysis including novel gene identification - Taylor_2006_Nature_440_497
Author(s) : Taylor TD , Noguchi H , Totoki Y , Toyoda A , Kuroki Y , Dewar K , Lloyd C , Itoh T , Takeda T , Kim DW , She X , Barlow KF , Bloom T , Bruford E , Chang JL , Cuomo CA , Eichler E , Fitzgerald MG , Jaffe DB , LaButti K , Nicol R , Park HS , Seaman C , Sougnez C , Yang X , Zimmer AR , Zody MC , Birren BW , Nusbaum C , Fujiyama A , Hattori M , Rogers J , Lander ES , Sakaki Y
Ref : Nature , 440 :497 , 2006
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Taylor_2006_Nature_440_497
PubMedID: 16554811
Gene_locus related to this paper: human-PRCP

Title : DNA sequence of human chromosome 17 and analysis of rearrangement in the human lineage - Zody_2006_Nature_440_1045
Author(s) : Zody MC , Garber M , Adams DJ , Sharpe T , Harrow J , Lupski JR , Nicholson C , Searle SM , Wilming L , Young SK , Abouelleil A , Allen NR , Bi W , Bloom T , Borowsky ML , Bugalter BE , Butler J , Chang JL , Chen CK , Cook A , Corum B , Cuomo CA , de Jong PJ , Decaprio D , Dewar K , FitzGerald M , Gilbert J , Gibson R , Gnerre S , Goldstein S , Grafham DV , Grocock R , Hafez N , Hagopian DS , Hart E , Norman CH , Humphray S , Jaffe DB , Jones M , Kamal M , Khodiyar VK , LaButti K , Laird G , Lehoczky J , Liu X , Lokyitsang T , Loveland J , Lui A , Macdonald P , Major JE , Matthews L , Mauceli E , McCarroll SA , Mihalev AH , Mudge J , Nguyen C , Nicol R , O'Leary SB , Osoegawa K , Schwartz DC , Shaw-Smith C , Stankiewicz P , Steward C , Swarbreck D , Venkataraman V , Whittaker CA , Yang X , Zimmer AR , Bradley A , Hubbard T , Birren BW , Rogers J , Lander ES , Nusbaum C
Ref : Nature , 440 :1045 , 2006
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Zody_2006_Nature_440_1045
PubMedID: 16625196
Gene_locus related to this paper: human-NLGN2 , human-NOTUM

Title : DNA sequence and analysis of human chromosome 18 - Nusbaum_2005_Nature_437_551
Author(s) : Nusbaum C , Zody MC , Borowsky ML , Kamal M , Kodira CD , Taylor TD , Whittaker CA , Chang JL , Cuomo CA , Dewar K , Fitzgerald MG , Yang X , Abouelleil A , Allen NR , Anderson S , Bloom T , Bugalter B , Butler J , Cook A , Decaprio D , Engels R , Garber M , Gnirke A , Hafez N , Hall JL , Norman CH , Itoh T , Jaffe DB , Kuroki Y , Lehoczky J , Lui A , Macdonald P , Mauceli E , Mikkelsen TS , Naylor JW , Nicol R , Nguyen C , Noguchi H , O'Leary SB , O'Neill K , Piqani B , Smith CL , Talamas JA , Topham K , Totoki Y , Toyoda A , Wain HM , Young SK , Zeng Q , Zimmer AR , Fujiyama A , Hattori M , Birren BW , Sakaki Y , Lander ES
Ref : Nature , 437 :551 , 2005
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Nusbaum_2005_Nature_437_551
PubMedID: 16177791
Gene_locus related to this paper: human-LIPG

Title : Genome sequence, comparative analysis and haplotype structure of the domestic dog - Lindblad-Toh_2005_Nature_438_803
Author(s) : Lindblad-Toh K , Wade CM , Mikkelsen TS , Karlsson EK , Jaffe DB , Kamal M , Clamp M , Chang JL , Kulbokas EJ, 3rd , Zody MC , Mauceli E , Xie X , Breen M , Wayne RK , Ostrander EA , Ponting CP , Galibert F , Smith DR , deJong PJ , Kirkness E , Alvarez P , Biagi T , Brockman W , Butler J , Chin CW , Cook A , Cuff J , Daly MJ , Decaprio D , Gnerre S , Grabherr M , Kellis M , Kleber M , Bardeleben C , Goodstadt L , Heger A , Hitte C , Kim L , Koepfli KP , Parker HG , Pollinger JP , Searle SM , Sutter NB , Thomas R , Webber C , Baldwin J , Abebe A , Abouelleil A , Aftuck L , Ait-Zahra M , Aldredge T , Allen N , An P , Anderson S , Antoine C , Arachchi H , Aslam A , Ayotte L , Bachantsang P , Barry A , Bayul T , Benamara M , Berlin A , Bessette D , Blitshteyn B , Bloom T , Blye J , Boguslavskiy L , Bonnet C , Boukhgalter B , Brown A , Cahill P , Calixte N , Camarata J , Cheshatsang Y , Chu J , Citroen M , Collymore A , Cooke P , Dawoe T , Daza R , Decktor K , DeGray S , Dhargay N , Dooley K , Dorje P , Dorjee K , Dorris L , Duffey N , Dupes A , Egbiremolen O , Elong R , Falk J , Farina A , Faro S , Ferguson D , Ferreira P , Fisher S , FitzGerald M , Foley K , Foley C , Franke A , Friedrich D , Gage D , Garber M , Gearin G , Giannoukos G , Goode T , Goyette A , Graham J , Grandbois E , Gyaltsen K , Hafez N , Hagopian D , Hagos B , Hall J , Healy C , Hegarty R , Honan T , Horn A , Houde N , Hughes L , Hunnicutt L , Husby M , Jester B , Jones C , Kamat A , Kanga B , Kells C , Khazanovich D , Kieu AC , Kisner P , Kumar M , Lance K , Landers T , Lara M , Lee W , Leger JP , Lennon N , Leuper L , LeVine S , Liu J , Liu X , Lokyitsang Y , Lokyitsang T , Lui A , MacDonald J , Major J , Marabella R , Maru K , Matthews C , McDonough S , Mehta T , Meldrim J , Melnikov A , Meneus L , Mihalev A , Mihova T , Miller K , Mittelman R , Mlenga V , Mulrain L , Munson G , Navidi A , Naylor J , Nguyen T , Nguyen N , Nguyen C , Nicol R , Norbu N , Norbu C , Novod N , Nyima T , Olandt P , O'Neill B , O'Neill K , Osman S , Oyono L , Patti C , Perrin D , Phunkhang P , Pierre F , Priest M , Rachupka A , Raghuraman S , Rameau R , Ray V , Raymond C , Rege F , Rise C , Rogers J , Rogov P , Sahalie J , Settipalli S , Sharpe T , Shea T , Sheehan M , Sherpa N , Shi J , Shih D , Sloan J , Smith C , Sparrow T , Stalker J , Stange-Thomann N , Stavropoulos S , Stone C , Stone S , Sykes S , Tchuinga P , Tenzing P , Tesfaye S , Thoulutsang D , Thoulutsang Y , Topham K , Topping I , Tsamla T , Vassiliev H , Venkataraman V , Vo A , Wangchuk T , Wangdi T , Weiand M , Wilkinson J , Wilson A , Yadav S , Yang S , Yang X , Young G , Yu Q , Zainoun J , Zembek L , Zimmer A , Lander ES
Ref : Nature , 438 :803 , 2005
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Lindblad-Toh_2005_Nature_438_803
PubMedID: 16341006
Gene_locus related to this paper: canfa-1lipg , canfa-2neur , canfa-3neur , canfa-ACHE , canfa-BCHE , canfa-cauxin , canfa-CESDD1 , canfa-e2qsb1 , canfa-e2qsl3 , canfa-e2qsz2 , canfa-e2qvk3 , canfa-e2qw15 , canfa-e2qxs8 , canfa-e2qzs6 , canfa-e2r5t3 , canfa-e2r6f6 , canfa-e2r7e8 , canfa-e2r8v9 , canfa-e2r8z1 , canfa-e2r9h4 , canfa-e2r455 , canfa-e2rb70 , canfa-e2rcq9 , canfa-e2rd94 , canfa-e2rgi0 , canfa-e2rkq0 , canfa-e2rlz9 , canfa-e2rm00 , canfa-e2rqf1 , canfa-e2rss9 , canfa-f1p6w8 , canfa-f1p8b6 , canfa-f1p9d8 , canfa-f1p683 , canfa-f1pb79 , canfa-f1pgw0 , canfa-f1phd0 , canfa-f1phx2 , canfa-f1pke8 , canfa-f1pp08 , canfa-f1ppp9 , canfa-f1ps07 , canfa-f1ptf1 , canfa-f1pvp4 , canfa-f1pw93 , canfa-f1pwk3 , canfa-pafa , canfa-q1ert3 , canfa-q5jzr0 , canfa-e2rmb9 , canlf-f6v865 , canlf-e2rjg6 , canlf-e2r2h2 , canlf-f1p648 , canlf-f1pw90 , canlf-j9p8v6 , canlf-f1pcc4 , canlf-e2qxh0 , canlf-e2r774 , canlf-f1pf96 , canlf-e2rq56 , canlf-j9nwb1 , canlf-f1ptw2 , canlf-j9p8h1 , canlf-e2ree2 , canlf-f1prs1 , canlf-j9nus1 , canlf-e2rf91 , canlf-f1pg57 , canlf-f1q111 , canlf-a0a8c0qgh7

Title : Genome duplication in the teleost fish Tetraodon nigroviridis reveals the early vertebrate proto-karyotype - Jaillon_2004_Nature_431_946
Author(s) : Jaillon O , Aury JM , Brunet F , Petit JL , Stange-Thomann N , Mauceli E , Bouneau L , Fischer C , Ozouf-Costaz C , Bernot A , Nicaud S , Jaffe D , Fisher S , Lutfalla G , Dossat C , Segurens B , Dasilva C , Salanoubat M , Levy M , Boudet N , Castellano S , Anthouard V , Jubin C , Castelli V , Katinka M , Vacherie B , Biemont C , Skalli Z , Cattolico L , Poulain J , de Berardinis V , Cruaud C , Duprat S , Brottier P , Coutanceau JP , Gouzy J , Parra G , Lardier G , Chapple C , McKernan KJ , McEwan P , Bosak S , Kellis M , Volff JN , Guigo R , Zody MC , Mesirov J , Lindblad-Toh K , Birren B , Nusbaum C , Kahn D , Robinson-Rechavi M , Laudet V , Schachter V , Quetier F , Saurin W , Scarpelli C , Wincker P , Lander ES , Weissenbach J , Roest Crollius H
Ref : Nature , 431 :946 , 2004
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Jaillon_2004_Nature_431_946
PubMedID: 15496914
Gene_locus related to this paper: tetng-3neur , tetng-4neur , tetng-ACHE , tetng-BCHE , tetng-h3cfz4 , tetng-h3ci57 , tetng-h3cl30 , tetng-h3cnh2 , tetng-nlgn2b , tetng-h3czr1 , tetng-h3dbr5 , tetng-nlgn2a , tetng-nlgn3b , tetng-q4ref8 , tetng-q4rjp3 , tetng-q4rjy3 , tetng-q4rk53 , tetng-q4rk63 , tetng-q4rk66 , tetng-q4rkk3 , tetng-q4rli3 , tetng-q4rn09 , tetng-q4rqj4 , tetng-q4rqz6 , tetng-q4rr22 , tetng-q4rru9 , tetng-q4rtq6 , tetng-q4rvf8 , tetng-q4rwa0 , tetng-q4rx90 , tetng-q4ryv8 , tetng-q4ryz3 , tetng-q4s0h8 , tetng-q4s5x0 , tetng-q4s6r1 , tetng-q4s6t6 , tetng-q4s7e3 , tetng-q4s7x6 , tetng-q4s8t5 , tetng-q4s9w9 , tetng-q4s050 , tetng-q4s091 , tetng-q4s144 , tetng-q4s309 , tetng-q4s578 , tetng-q4sal4 , tetng-q4sbm6 , tetng-q4sbp0 , tetng-q4sbu0 , tetng-q4sd49 , tetng-q4ser6 , tetng-q4sfm7 , tetng-q4sgm5 , tetng-q4sgv2 , tetng-q4sh74 , tetng-q4shl7 , tetng-q4si60 , tetng-q4sie5 , tetng-q4sku6 , tetng-q4smu0 , tetng-q4smy3 , tetng-q4snp0 , tetng-q4snq3 , tetng-q4spa7 , tetng-q4spq0 , tetng-q4sqr3 , tetng-q4sty0 , tetng-q4suu2 , tetng-q4suz1 , tetng-q4sxh3 , tetng-q4syn6 , tetng-q4szk0 , tetng-q4szy0 , tetng-q4t3m9 , tetng-q4t4a1 , tetng-q4t6m1 , tetng-q4t7r6 , tetng-q4t173 , tetng-q4t826 , tetng-q4t920 , tetng-q4ta33 , tetng-q4tab8 , tetng-q4tb62 , tetng-q4tbe2 , tetng-h3dbw2 , tetng-h3cpc8 , tetng-h3cjy0 , tetng-h3d966 , tetng-h3d3e3 , tetng-h3d961 , tetng-h3ctg6 , tetng-h3dde8 , tetng-h3dde9 , tetng-h3det9 , tetng-h3cre8 , tetng-h3dfb4 , tetng-h3clj8 , tetng-h3cab8

Title : The genome sequence of the filamentous fungus Neurospora crassa - Galagan_2003_Nature_422_859
Author(s) : Galagan JE , Calvo SE , Borkovich KA , Selker EU , Read ND , Jaffe D , FitzHugh W , Ma LJ , Smirnov S , Purcell S , Rehman B , Elkins T , Engels R , Wang S , Nielsen CB , Butler J , Endrizzi M , Qui D , Ianakiev P , Bell-Pedersen D , Nelson MA , Werner-Washburne M , Selitrennikoff CP , Kinsey JA , Braun EL , Zelter A , Schulte U , Kothe GO , Jedd G , Mewes W , Staben C , Marcotte E , Greenberg D , Roy A , Foley K , Naylor J , Stange-Thomann N , Barrett R , Gnerre S , Kamal M , Kamvysselis M , Mauceli E , Bielke C , Rudd S , Frishman D , Krystofova S , Rasmussen C , Metzenberg RL , Perkins DD , Kroken S , Cogoni C , Macino G , Catcheside D , Li W , Pratt RJ , Osmani SA , DeSouza CP , Glass L , Orbach MJ , Berglund JA , Voelker R , Yarden O , Plamann M , Seiler S , Dunlap J , Radford A , Aramayo R , Natvig DO , Alex LA , Mannhaupt G , Ebbole DJ , Freitag M , Paulsen I , Sachs MS , Lander ES , Nusbaum C , Birren B
Ref : Nature , 422 :859 , 2003
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Galagan_2003_Nature_422_859
PubMedID: 12712197
Gene_locus related to this paper: neucr-5E6.090 , neucr-64C2.080 , neucr-90C4.300 , neucr-a7uw78 , neucr-a7uwh6 , neucr-a7uwy7 , neucr-apth1 , neucr-ATG15 , neucr-B7H23.190 , neucr-B11O8.160 , neucr-B13B3.090 , neucr-B14D6.130 , neucr-B18E6.050 , neucr-B19A17.360 , neucr-B23G1.090 , neucr-CBPYA , neucr-MET5 , neucr-NCU00292.1 , neucr-NCU00350.1 , neucr-NCU00536.1 , neucr-NCU00825.1 , neucr-NCU02148.1 , neucr-NCU02679.1 , neucr-NCU02904.1 , neucr-NCU02924.1 , neucr-NCU03158.1 , neucr-NCU04930.1 , neucr-NCU06332.1 , neucr-NCU06573.1 , neucr-NCU07081.1 , neucr-NCU07415.1 , neucr-NCU07909.1 , neucr-NCU08752.1 , neucr-NCU09575.1 , neucr-NCU10022.1 , neucr-ppme1 , neucr-q6mfs7 , neucr-q7rxb4 , neucr-q7rxv5 , neucr-q7ry06 , neucr-q7ryd2 , neucr-q7rzk2 , neucr-q7s0g7 , neucr-q7s1x0 , neucr-q7s2b3 , neucr-q7s2c5 , neucr-q7s2p4 , neucr-q7s2u9 , neucr-q7s3c6 , neucr-q7s3c8 , neucr-q7s3m2 , neucr-q7s4e3 , neucr-q7s4f8 , neucr-q7s4j4 , neucr-q7s5d6 , neucr-q7s5m2 , neucr-q7s5v8 , neucr-q7s6c5 , neucr-q7s8h2 , neucr-q7s070 , neucr-q7s082 , neucr-q7s134 , neucr-q7s216 , neucr-q7s259 , neucr-q7s260 , neucr-q7s283 , neucr-q7s512 , neucr-q7s736 , neucr-q7s828 , neucr-q7s897 , neucr-q7sbf9 , neucr-q7sbn0 , neucr-q7scr4 , neucr-q7sdw5 , neucr-q7sdx9 , neucr-q7se51 , neucr-q7sea3 , neucr-q7sez8 , neucr-q7sff7 , neucr-q7sga3 , neucr-q7sgj0 , neucr-q7sgp3 , neucr-q7sha3 , neucr-q7sha5 , neucr-q7shu8 , neucr-q9p6a7 , neucr-q872l1 , neucr-f5hbr2 , neucr-q7ry64

Title : Analysis of the mouse transcriptome based on functional annotation of 60,770 full-length cDNAs - Okazaki_2002_Nature_420_563
Author(s) : Okazaki Y , Furuno M , Kasukawa T , Adachi J , Bono H , Kondo S , Nikaido I , Osato N , Saito R , Suzuki H , Yamanaka I , Kiyosawa H , Yagi K , Tomaru Y , Hasegawa Y , Nogami A , Schonbach C , Gojobori T , Baldarelli R , Hill DP , Bult C , Hume DA , Quackenbush J , Schriml LM , Kanapin A , Matsuda H , Batalov S , Beisel KW , Blake JA , Bradt D , Brusic V , Chothia C , Corbani LE , Cousins S , Dalla E , Dragani TA , Fletcher CF , Forrest A , Frazer KS , Gaasterland T , Gariboldi M , Gissi C , Godzik A , Gough J , Grimmond S , Gustincich S , Hirokawa N , Jackson IJ , Jarvis ED , Kanai A , Kawaji H , Kawasawa Y , Kedzierski RM , King BL , Konagaya A , Kurochkin IV , Lee Y , Lenhard B , Lyons PA , Maglott DR , Maltais L , Marchionni L , McKenzie L , Miki H , Nagashima T , Numata K , Okido T , Pavan WJ , Pertea G , Pesole G , Petrovsky N , Pillai R , Pontius JU , Qi D , Ramachandran S , Ravasi T , Reed JC , Reed DJ , Reid J , Ring BZ , Ringwald M , Sandelin A , Schneider C , Semple CA , Setou M , Shimada K , Sultana R , Takenaka Y , Taylor MS , Teasdale RD , Tomita M , Verardo R , Wagner L , Wahlestedt C , Wang Y , Watanabe Y , Wells C , Wilming LG , Wynshaw-Boris A , Yanagisawa M , Yang I , Yang L , Yuan Z , Zavolan M , Zhu Y , Zimmer A , Carninci P , Hayatsu N , Hirozane-Kishikawa T , Konno H , Nakamura M , Sakazume N , Sato K , Shiraki T , Waki K , Kawai J , Aizawa K , Arakawa T , Fukuda S , Hara A , Hashizume W , Imotani K , Ishii Y , Itoh M , Kagawa I , Miyazaki A , Sakai K , Sasaki D , Shibata K , Shinagawa A , Yasunishi A , Yoshino M , Waterston R , Lander ES , Rogers J , Birney E , Hayashizaki Y
Ref : Nature , 420 :563 , 2002
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Okazaki_2002_Nature_420_563
PubMedID: 12466851
Gene_locus related to this paper: mouse-1lipg , mouse-1llip , mouse-1plrp , mouse-3neur , mouse-ABH15 , mouse-abhd4 , mouse-abhd5 , mouse-Abhd8 , mouse-Abhd11 , mouse-abhda , mouse-acot4 , mouse-adcl4 , mouse-AI607300 , mouse-BAAT , mouse-bphl , mouse-C87498 , mouse-Ldah , mouse-Ces1d , mouse-Ces2e , mouse-CMBL , mouse-DGLB , mouse-dpp9 , mouse-ES10 , mouse-F135A , mouse-FASN , mouse-hslip , mouse-hyes , mouse-Kansl3 , mouse-LIPH , mouse-LIPK , mouse-lipli , mouse-LIPM , mouse-lypla1 , mouse-lypla2 , mouse-MEST , mouse-MGLL , mouse-ndr4 , mouse-OVCA2 , mouse-pafa , mouse-pcp , mouse-ppce , mouse-Ppgb , mouse-PPME1 , mouse-q3uuq7 , mouse-Q8BLF1 , mouse-ACOT6 , mouse-Q8C1A9 , mouse-Q9DAI6 , mouse-Q80UX8 , mouse-Q8BGG9 , mouse-Q8C167 , mouse-rbbp9 , mouse-SERHL , mouse-tssp

Title : Characterization of single-nucleotide polymorphisms in coding regions of human genes - Cargill_1999_Nat.Genet_22_231
Author(s) : Cargill M , Altshuler D , Ireland J , Sklar P , Ardlie K , Patil N , Shaw N , Lane CR , Lim EP , Kalyanaraman N , Nemesh J , Ziaugra L , Friedland L , Rolfe A , Warrington J , Lipshutz R , Daley GQ , Lander ES
Ref : Nat Genet , 22 :231 , 1999
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Cargill_1999_Nat.Genet_22_231
PubMedID: 10391209
Gene_locus related to this paper: human-LIPC

Title : Genome-wide search for asthma susceptibility loci in a founder population. The Collaborative Study on the Genetics of Asthma - Ober_1998_Hum.Mol.Genet_7_1393
Author(s) : Ober C , Cox NJ , Abney M , Di Rienzo A , Lander ES , Changyaleket B , Gidley H , Kurtz B , Lee J , Nance M , Pettersson A , Prescott J , Richardson A , Schlenker E , Summerhill E , Willadsen S , Parry R
Ref : Hum Mol Genet , 7 :1393 , 1998
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Ober_1998_Hum.Mol.Genet_7_1393
PubMedID: 9700192
Gene_locus related to this paper: human-PLA2G7

Title : Identification of polymorphic simple sequence repeats in the genome of the zebrafish - Goff_1992_Genomics_14_200
Author(s) : Goff DJ , Galvin K , Katz H , Westerfield M , Lander ES , Tabin CJ
Ref : Genomics , 14 :200 , 1992
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Goff_1992_Genomics_14_200
PubMedID: 1427829