Title : Functional significance of rare neuroligin 1 variants found in autism - Nakanishi_2017_PLoS.Genet_13_e1006940 |
Author(s) : Nakanishi M , Nomura J , Ji X , Tamada K , Arai T , Takahashi E , Bucan M , Takumi T |
Ref : PLoS Genet , 13 :e1006940 , 2017 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Nakanishi_2017_PLoS.Genet_13_e1006940 |
PubMedID: 28841651 |
Gene_locus related to this paper: human-NLGN1 |
Title : Production and properties of lipase of Aeromonas sobria - Takahashi_2012_Microbiol.Immunol_56_295 |
Author(s) : Takahashi E , Ito H , Kobayashi H , Yamanaka H , Takeda Y , Balakrish Nair G , Arimoto S , Negishi T , Okamoto K |
Ref : Microbiol Immunol , 56 :295 , 2012 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Takahashi_2012_Microbiol.Immunol_56_295 |
PubMedID: 22376235 |
Title : Dipeptidyl aminopeptidase IV from Stenotrophomonas maltophilia exhibits activity against a substrate containing a 4-hydroxyproline residue - Nakajima_2008_J.Bacteriol_190_7819 |
Author(s) : Nakajima Y , Ito K , Toshima T , Egawa T , Zheng H , Oyama H , Wu YF , Takahashi E , Kyono K , Yoshimoto T |
Ref : Journal of Bacteriology , 190 :7819 , 2008 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Nakajima_2008_J.Bacteriol_190_7819 |
PubMedID: 18820015 |
Gene_locus related to this paper: xanma-P95782 |
Title : Decreased lipoprotein lipase as a risk factor for atypical neuroleptic-induced hypertriglyceridemia - |
Author(s) : Yamamoto K , Fukuda M , Nogawa A , Takahashi E , Miyaoka H |
Ref : J Clin Psychiatry , 68 :802 , 2007 |
PubMedID: 17503998 |
Title : Molecular cloning and sequencing of a cDNA encoding the feline T-cell activation antigen CD26 homologue - |
Author(s) : Nishimura Y , Miyazawa T , Ikeda Y , Izumiya Y , Nakamura K , Sato E , Mikami T , Takahashi E |
Ref : Immunogenetics , 50 :366 , 1999 |
PubMedID: 10630304 |
Gene_locus related to this paper: felca-CD26 |
Title : Structure, organization, and chromosomal mapping of the human macrophage scavenger receptor gene - Emi_1993_J.Biol.Chem_268_2120 |
Author(s) : Emi M , Asaoka H , Matsumoto A , Itakura H , Kurihara Y , Wada Y , Kanamori H , Yazaki Y , Takahashi E , Lepert M , Jean-Marc Lalouel JM , Kodama T , Mukai T |
Ref : Journal of Biological Chemistry , 268 :2120 , 1993 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Emi_1993_J.Biol.Chem_268_2120 |
PubMedID: 8093617 |
Gene_locus related to this paper: human-LPL |