Trudler D

References (9)

Title : Astrocytes from old Alzheimer's disease mice are impaired in Abeta uptake and in neuroprotection - Iram_2016_Neurobiol.Dis_96_84
Author(s) : Iram T , Trudler D , Kain D , Kanner S , Galron R , Vassar R , Barzilai A , Blinder P , Fishelson Z , Frenkel D
Ref : Neurobiol Dis , 96 :84 , 2016
Abstract :
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PubMedID: 27544484

Title : New insights on Parkinson's disease genes: the link between mitochondria impairment and neuroinflammation - Trudler_2015_J.Neural.Transm.(Vienna)_122_1409
Author(s) : Trudler D , Nash Y , Frenkel D
Ref : J Neural Transm (Vienna) , 122 :1409 , 2015
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Title : Low-level laser therapy ameliorates disease progression in a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease - Farfara_2015_J.Mol.Neurosci_55_430
Author(s) : Farfara D , Tuby H , Trudler D , Doron-Mandel E , Maltz L , Vassar RJ , Frenkel D , Oron U
Ref : Journal of Molecular Neuroscience , 55 :430 , 2015
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PubMedID: 24994540

Title : DJ-1 deficiency triggers microglia sensitivity to dopamine toward a pro-inflammatory phenotype that is attenuated by rasagiline - Trudler_2014_J.Neurochem_129_434
Author(s) : Trudler D , Weinreb O , Mandel SA , Youdim MB , Frenkel D
Ref : Journal of Neurochemistry , 129 :434 , 2014
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Title : Preconditioning to mild oxidative stress mediates astroglial neuroprotection in an IL-10-dependent manner - Segev-Amzaleg_2013_Brain.Behav.Immun_30_176
Author(s) : Segev-Amzaleg N , Trudler D , Frenkel D
Ref : Brain Behavior & Immunity , 30 :176 , 2013
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Title : Naphthoquinone-tyrptophan reduces neurotoxic Abeta*56 levels and improves cognition in Alzheimer's disease animal model - Scherzer-Attali_2012_Neurobiol.Dis_46_663
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Ref : Neurobiol Dis , 46 :663 , 2012
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Title : Phenylalanine assembly into toxic fibrils suggests amyloid etiology in phenylketonuria - Adler-Abramovich_2012_Nat.Chem.Biol_8_701
Author(s) : Adler-Abramovich L , Vaks L , Carny O , Trudler D , Magno A , Caflisch A , Frenkel D , Gazit E
Ref : Nat Chemical Biology , 8 :701 , 2012
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Title : gamma-Secretase component presenilin is important for microglia beta-amyloid clearance - Farfara_2011_Ann.Neurol_69_170
Author(s) : Farfara D , Trudler D , Segev-Amzaleg N , Galron R , Stein R , Frenkel D
Ref : Annals of Neurology , 69 :170 , 2011
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PubMedID: 21280087

Title : Toll-like receptors expression and signaling in glia cells in neuro-amyloidogenic diseases: towards future therapeutic application - Trudler_2010_Mediators.Inflamm_2010_
Author(s) : Trudler D , Farfara D , Frenkel D
Ref : Mediators Inflamm , 2010 : , 2010
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PubMedID: 20706642